Where: Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany (51.3° N, 12.0° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 43.4° N, 17.1° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
When: Lutetian (47.8 - 41.3 Ma)
• Age: Middle Lutetian
•Franzen & Haubold: upper Middle Eocene
Environment/lithology: lacustrine; lignite
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: adpression, soft parts
Collection methods: bulk,
Primary reference: H. Haubold. 1982. Zur Stellung der Wirbeltierfauna des Geiseltals, insbesondere der Mammalier, im europäischen Mitteleozän (Position of the European Middle Eocene vertebrate fauna of the Geisel Valley, with special focus on mammals). Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften 10(12):1539-1551 [J. Alroy/S. Kuemmell/S. Kuemmell]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 13322: authorized by John Hunter, entered by John Hunter on 20.02.2002, edited by Susanna Kümmell, Jered Karr, David Nicholson, Philip Mannion and Mark Uhen
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Palaeoesox fritzschei n. sp.13, Pelobatinopsis grandipes, Opistocoelellus weigelti n. sp., Eobufella parvula n. sp., Capitolacerta dubia n. sp.10, Ornithocnemus geiseltalensis n. sp., Geiseloceros robustus n. sp., Placosauripos weigelti10
Palaeoesox fritzschei n. sp.13
Opistocoelellus weigelti n. sp.
Eobufella parvula n. sp.
Capitolacerta dubia n. sp.10
Ornithocnemus geiseltalensis n. sp.
Geiseloceros robustus n. sp. | |
Insecta | |
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Actinopteri | |
Thaumaturus spannuthi n. sp.13
Thaumaturus spannuthi n. sp.13 | |
Amphiperca siebergi n. sp.13
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"Amia kehreri" = Cyclurus kehreri13
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Amphibia | |
Tylototriton weigelti n. sp.
Tylototriton weigelti n. sp. Herre 1935 crocodile salamander | |
Palaeoproteus klatti n. sp.
Palaeoproteus klatti n. sp. Herre 1935 salamander | |
Rana carbonicola n. sp.
Rana carbonicola n. sp. frog | |
Eopelobates hinschei n. sp.
Eopelobates hinschei n. sp. spadefoot toad | |
Mammalia | |
Heterohyus heufelderi n. sp.
Heterohyus heufelderi n. sp. eutherian | |
Leptictidium listeri n. sp.12
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Rhinocerolophiodon buxovillanum6, Lophiodon remensis7, Lophiodon cuvieri5, ? Lophiodon tapirotherium
? Lophiodon tapirotherium Desmarest 1822 odd-toed ungulate | |
"Propalaeotherium isselanum" = Palaeotherium isselanum15, "Propalaeotherium isselanum" = Palaeotherium isselanum8, Propalaeotherium voigti8, Propalaeotherium hassiacum8, "Propalaeotherium parvulum" = Eurohippus parvulus15, "Propalaeotherium parvulum" = Eurohippus parvulus8
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"Anthracobunodon weigelti n. sp." = Amphirhagatherium weigelti, Haplobunodon cf. muelleri, Rhagatherium cf. kowalevskyi
"Anthracobunodon weigelti n. sp." = Amphirhagatherium weigelti Heller 1934 even-toed ungulate
Haplobunodon cf. muelleri Rutimeyer 1862 even-toed ungulate
Rhagatherium cf. kowalevskyi Stehlin 1908 even-toed ungulate | |
Buxobune sp. Sudre 1978 even-toed ungulate | |
"Lophiotherium pygmaeum" = Antiacodon pygmaeus8
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Ailuravus picteti Rütimeyer 1891 rodent | |
Microtarsioides voigti n. sp., Ceciliolemur delasaucei n. sp.
Microtarsioides voigti n. sp. primate | |
"Nannopithex raabi n. sp." = Vectipithex raabi
"Nannopithex raabi n. sp." = Vectipithex raabi Heller 1930 tarsier | |
Protoadapis klatti n. sp.
Protoadapis klatti n. sp. primate | |
Periconodon roselli primate | |
Pugiodens mirus n. sp.14
| |
Matthesia germanica n. sp. bat
? Matthesia insolita n. sp. bat
Cecilionycteris prisca n. sp. Heller 1935 bat | |
Peratherium giselense n. sp.
Peratherium giselense n. sp. Heller 1936 marsupial | |
Reptilia | |
Trionyx hilberi Hoernes 1892 softshell turtle | |
"Chrysemys germanica n. sp." = Borkenia germanica Hummel 1935 turtle | |
Geochelone eocaenica n. sp.
Geochelone eocaenica n. sp. turtle | |
Aves | |
Palaeotis weigelti n. sp.
Palaeotis weigelti n. sp. Lambrecht 1928 bird | |
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Reptilia | |
"Boverisuchus magnifrons n. gen. n. sp." = Boverisuchus magnifrons1, "Weigeltisuchus geiseltalensis n. gen. n. sp." = Boverisuchus magnifrons1
"Boverisuchus magnifrons n. gen. n. sp." = Boverisuchus magnifrons1 Kuhn 1938 crocodilian Type - GM specimens
"Weigeltisuchus geiseltalensis n. gen. n. sp." = Boverisuchus magnifrons1 Kuhn 1938 crocodilian Type - GM specimens
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Allognathosuchus brevirostris n. sp., Allognathosuchus weigelti n. sp.
Allognathosuchus brevirostris n. sp. crocodilian
Allognathosuchus weigelti n. sp. crocodilian | |
Diplocynodon hallense n. sp. crocodilian
Asiatosuchus germanicus Berg 1966 crocodilian | |
Palaeopython ceciliensis n. sp., Paleryx spinifer n. sp.
Palaeopython ceciliensis n. sp. Barnes 1927 boa
Paleryx spinifer n. sp. Barnes 1927 boa | |
Aniliidae indet. Fitzinger 1826 pipe snake | |
cf. Colubridae indet. Oppel 1811 colubrid snake | |
"Eolacerta robusta n. sp." = Eolacerta robusta10, "Iguanosauriscus haupti n. sp." = Eolacerta robusta10
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Necrosaurus giganteus n. sp.10
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Ophisaurus gracilis n. sp.10, ? Ophisaurus voigti10, "Ophisaurus hallensis n. sp." = Ophisauriscus quadrupes10, "Xestops weigelti n. sp." = Placosauriops weigelti, "Placosauroides abderhaldeni" = Placosauriops weigelti10, Placosaurus waltheri10, Glyptosaurus sp.
"Xestops weigelti n. sp." = Placosauriops weigelti Kuhn 1940 squamates
Glyptosaurus sp. Marsh 1871 squamates |