Cachoeira do Bandeira (Miocene of Brazil)

Also known as LACM 5158

Where: Acre, Brazil (10.9° S, 69.3° W: paleocoordinates 11.2° S, 67.6° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Solimoes Formation, Late/Upper Miocene (11.6 - 5.3 Ma)

Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; brown, gray claystone and muddy conglomerate

• The river edge outcrops are accessible only during the low-water season (July to OCtober) and omprise clay-pebble conglomerate (Acre Conglomerate Member in Frailey 1986) and gray to brown, often limey claystones. the base of the units is not visible, and their upper parts are covered by vegetation.

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: O. A. Aguilera, J. Bocquentin, J. G. Lundberg and A. Maciente. 2008. A new cajaro catfish (Siluriformes : Pimelodidae : Phractocephalus) from the Late Miocene of southwestern Amazonia and its relationship to Phractocephalus nassi of the Urumaco Formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 82(2):231-245 [C. Jaramillo/G. Ballen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 136714: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Gustavo Ballen on 03.12.2012, edited by Juan Carrillo and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

"Pisces indet." = Osteichthyes4
"Pisces indet." = Osteichthyes4 Huxley 1880 bony fish
Reptilia indet.4 Laurenti 1768 reptile
DGM 991-R
Aves indet.4 Linnaeus 1758 bird
DGM 1 168-R
 Suliformes - Anhingidae
Anhinga minuta4 darter
UFAC-4720; 4719
Anhinga cf. fraileyi4 darter
Anhinga cf. grandis4 Martin and Mengel 1975 darter
 Loricata -
Crocodyliformes indet.4 crocodilian
DGM 1 145-R to 1 147-R; 1 155-R; 1 160-R; 1 163-R; 1 164-R; 1 167-R; 1 169-R; 1 171-R; 1 173-R; 1 179-R, DGM 1 072-R; 1 073-R; 1 080-R; to 1 082-R; 1 084-R; 1 220-R; 1 225-R, DGM 957-R; 970-R; 1 200-R; 1 201-R; 1 234-R; 1 236-R; 1 238-R; 1 241-R; 1 245-R to 1 247-R; 1 259-R, DGM 1147-R, DGM 1082-R; 1084-R
 Crocodylia -
Brevirostres indet.4 Cuvier crocodilian
DGM 1080-R, DGM 964-R; 965-R; 1291-R
Gavialoidea indet.4 Brochu 1997 crocodilian
DGM 957-R; 958-R; 966-R
 Crocodylia - Gavialidae
Gryposuchus sp.4 Gürich 1912 crocodilian
DGM 1081-R, DGM 968-R; 1266-R; 1284-R; 1410-R
 Crocodylia - Alligatoridae
Mourasuchus sp.4 Price 1964 crocodilian
DGM 1 252-R, DGM 1173-R, DGM 1234-R; 1252-R; 1259-R
Purussaurus sp.4 Barbosa Rodrigues 1892 crocodilian
DGM 1146-R, DGM 1072-R, DGM 962-R; 963-R; 969-R; 970-R; 1262-R
 Squamata - Teiidae
Dracaena sp.4 Daudin 1802 caiman lizard
DGM 1 083-R
 Serpentes -
Serpentes indet.4 snake
DGM 1 232-R
 Testudinata -
Testudinata indet.4 turtle
DGM 1 148-R to 1 152-R; 1 154-R; 1 156-R; 1 159-R; 1 161-R; 1 172-R, DGM 1 064-R; 1 069-R to 1 071-R; 1 074-R; 1 075-R; 1 078-R; 1 079-R, DGM 1 242-R; 1 244-R; 1 248-R; 1 249-R; 1 253-R to 1 256-R; 1 258-R
 Testudines -
Pleurodira indet.4 Cope 1865 sideneck turtle
DGM 1 062-R; 1 065-R; to 1 068-R, DGM 992-R to 1 012-R; 1 014-R, DGM 1 224-R; 1 231-R, DGM 971-R to 979-R; 989-R; 990-R; 992-R
 Testudines - Chelidae
Chelus sp.4 Duméril 1806 sideneck turtle
DGM 1 061-R; 1063-R, DGM 1 013-R; 1 015-R; 1 025-R; 1 153-R; 1 162-R; 1 170-R, DGM 1 076-R; 1 077-R; 1 223-R, DGM 980-R to 988-R; 1 235-R; 1 237-R; 1 239-R; 1 240-R; 1 257-R
 Testudines - Podocnemididae
Stupendemys sp.4, "Stupendemys geographicus" = Stupendemys geographica4
Stupendemys sp.4 Wood 1976 sideneck turtle
"Stupendemys geographicus" = Stupendemys geographica4 Wood 1976 sideneck turtle
LACM 131949, UFAC 1554; 4370
Mammalia indet.4 Linnaeus 1758 mammal
DGM 828-M to 831-M; 851-M to 858-R, DGM 834-M,DGM 819-M to 826-M; 862-R to 867-R; 869-M; 870-R
 Placentalia -
Xenarthra indet.4 edentate
DGM 818-M
 Cingulata - Pampatheriidae
"Scirrotherium carinatum" = Kraglievichia carinatum1
"Scirrotherium carinatum" = Kraglievichia carinatum1 Gois et al. 2013 edentate
LPP/UFAC 4803 and 4804
 Notoungulata - Toxodontidae
Toxodontidae indet.4 Scott 1873 notoungulate
DGM 827-M
 Primates - Cebidae
Acrecebus fraileyi4 Kay and Cozzuol 2006 monkey
LACM 134880
cf. Cebinae indet.4 monkey
LACM 134880
 Rodentia - Erethizontidae
Erethizontidae indet.4 Bonaparte 1845 porcupine
 Rodentia - Hydrochoeridae
Cardiatherium sp.3 Ameghino 1883 caviomorph
UFAC 4761, 4681, 4769
 Rodentia - Dinomyidae
Pseudopotamarchus villanuevai n. gen. n. sp.2 Kerber et al. 2016 caviomorph
UUFAC 4762, incomplete right maxilla with P4–M1
 Rodentia - Neoepiblemidae
Neoepiblema horridula3 Ameghino 1886 caviomorph
 Rodentia -
Octodontoidea indet.4 Waterhouse 1839 caviomorph
 Cetacea - Delphinidae
Delphinidae indet.4 Gray 1821 dolphin
DGM 850-M, DGM 849-M
 Siluriformes - Pimelodidae
Phractocephalus acreornatus n. sp. Aguilera et al. 2008 cajaro
UFAC 4561 (holotype), UFAC 4778, 4708, 4777, 4613, 5711, 1806, 4709, 4619, 4587, 4819, 4664, 5687, 5689, 4894, 5710, 5686, 5688, 5690, 4710, 4782, 4577 (all paratypes)