Also known as LACM 5158
Where: Acre, Brazil (10.9° S, 69.3° W: paleocoordinates 11.2° S, 67.6° W)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Solimoes Formation, Late/Upper Miocene (11.6 - 5.3 Ma)
Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; brown, gray claystone and muddy conglomerate
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: O. A. Aguilera, J. Bocquentin, J. G. Lundberg and A. Maciente. 2008. A new cajaro catfish (Siluriformes : Pimelodidae : Phractocephalus) from the Late Miocene of southwestern Amazonia and its relationship to Phractocephalus nassi of the Urumaco Formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 82(2):231-245 [C. Jaramillo/G. Ballen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 136714: authorized by Carlos Jaramillo, entered by Gustavo Ballen on 03.12.2012, edited by Juan Carrillo and Evangelos Vlachos
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Pisces | |
"Pisces indet." = Osteichthyes4
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Reptilia | |
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Aves | |
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Reptilia | |
Crocodyliformes indet.4 crocodilian DGM 1 145-R to 1 147-R; 1 155-R; 1 160-R; 1 163-R; 1 164-R; 1 167-R; 1 169-R; 1 171-R; 1 173-R; 1 179-R, DGM 1 072-R; 1 073-R; 1 080-R; to 1 082-R; 1 084-R; 1 220-R; 1 225-R, DGM 957-R; 970-R; 1 200-R; 1 201-R; 1 234-R; 1 236-R; 1 238-R; 1 241-R; 1 245-R to 1 247-R; 1 259-R, DGM 1147-R, DGM 1082-R; 1084-R
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Purussaurus sp.4 Barbosa Rodrigues 1892 crocodilian DGM 1146-R, DGM 1072-R, DGM 962-R; 963-R; 969-R; 970-R; 1262-R
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Testudinata indet.4 turtle DGM 1 148-R to 1 152-R; 1 154-R; 1 156-R; 1 159-R; 1 161-R; 1 172-R, DGM 1 064-R; 1 069-R to 1 071-R; 1 074-R; 1 075-R; 1 078-R; 1 079-R, DGM 1 242-R; 1 244-R; 1 248-R; 1 249-R; 1 253-R to 1 256-R; 1 258-R
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Pleurodira indet.4 Cope 1865 sideneck turtle DGM 1 062-R; 1 065-R; to 1 068-R, DGM 992-R to 1 012-R; 1 014-R, DGM 1 224-R; 1 231-R, DGM 971-R to 979-R; 989-R; 990-R; 992-R
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Chelus sp.4 Duméril 1806 sideneck turtle DGM 1 061-R; 1063-R, DGM 1 013-R; 1 015-R; 1 025-R; 1 153-R; 1 162-R; 1 170-R, DGM 1 076-R; 1 077-R; 1 223-R, DGM 980-R to 988-R; 1 235-R; 1 237-R; 1 239-R; 1 240-R; 1 257-R
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"Stupendemys geographicus" = Stupendemys geographica4 Wood 1976 sideneck turtle LACM 131949, UFAC 1554; 4370
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Mammalia | |
Mammalia indet.4 Linnaeus 1758 mammal DGM 828-M to 831-M; 851-M to 858-R, DGM 834-M,DGM 819-M to 826-M; 862-R to 867-R; 869-M; 870-R
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"Scirrotherium carinatum" = Kraglievichia carinatum1
"Scirrotherium carinatum" = Kraglievichia carinatum1 Gois et al. 2013 edentate LPP/UFAC 4803 and 4804
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Pseudopotamarchus villanuevai n. gen. n. sp.2
Pseudopotamarchus villanuevai n. gen. n. sp.2 Kerber et al. 2016 caviomorph UUFAC 4762, incomplete right maxilla with P4–M1
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Actinopteri | |
Phractocephalus acreornatus n. sp.
Phractocephalus acreornatus n. sp. Aguilera et al. 2008 cajaro UFAC 4561 (holotype), UFAC 4778, 4708, 4777, 4613, 5711, 1806, 4709, 4619, 4587, 4819, 4664, 5687, 5689, 4894, 5710, 5686, 5688, 5690, 4710, 4782, 4577 (all paratypes)