Lissieu, Lutetian (Eocene of France)

Where: Rhone, France (45.9° N, 4.8° E: paleocoordinates 42.8° N, 1.1° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: MP14 mammal zone, Lutetian (47.8 - 41.3 Ma)

• Middle Eocene, late Lutetian, MP14 mammalian reference level (approximately 43.5 to 41.2 ma)

Environment/lithology: fissure fill; shale and chert

• fossiliferous beds containing lacustrine shales and cherts

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collection methods: quarrying

Primary reference: D. Angst, E. Buffetaut, C. Lecuyer and R. Amiot. 2013. ‘‘Terror Birds’’ (Phorusrhacidae) from the Eocene of Europe Imply Trans-Tethys Dispersal. PLoS One 8(11):e80357 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 151252: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Kaled Saraira on 25.09.2013, edited by Mark Uhen, Philip Mannion and Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Gruiformes - Phorusrhacidae
Eleutherornis cotei Galliard 1936 terror bird
 Loricata -
Sebecosuchia indet.3 Colbert 1946 crocodilian
UCBL-FSL 530863a–c, three isolated teeth; MHNL 341, a set of isolated osteoderms including 5 complete and 6 fragmentary dorsal elements
 Squamata - Necrosauridae
Necrosaurus sp.1 Filhol 1876 squamates
?two caudal vertebrae
 Squamata -
Platynota indet.1 Baur 1890 squamates
MNNL Li 351, parietal; Li 311, posterior extremity of mandible; Li 310, fragment of bone with two tooth bases; Li 312, centrum of an axis; Li 313, incomplete cervical vertebra; Li 314, a dorsal vertebra; Li 315, four fragmentary dorsal vertebrae; Li 316, two caudal vertebrae; Li 317, perhaps one incomplete pelvis; Li 318, perhaps one fragment of humerus
 Squamata - Anguidae
Anguinae indet.4 Gray 1825 squamates
MHNL Li 304, 305, three trunk vertebrae; Li 306, three caudal vertebrae
Anguis sp.4 Linnaeus 1758 slow worm
MHNL Li 350, one left dentary
Anguini indet.1 Augé 2005 squamates
Glyptosaurinae indet.4 Marsh 1872 squamates
MHNL Li 307, one fragment of maxilla; Li 308, one dentary fragment; Li 309, four fragments of tooth-bearing bone
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Plesiolacerta lydekkeri1 Hoffstetter 1942 squamates
damaged dorsal vertebra (MHNL Li 302 in ref 43438); MHNL Li 303, perhaps one incomplete humerus
 Squamata - Tropidophiidae
Szyndlaria aureomontensis n. gen. n. sp.4 Rage and Augé 2010 dwarf boa
MHNL Li 331 (holotype), single trunk vertebra; Li 332-334, three almost complete trunk vertebrae; Li 335, one incomplete trunk vertebra; Li 336, perhaps one damaged trunk vertebra
Dunnophis matronensis4 Rage 1973 dwarf boa
MHNL Li 327 and 328, two vertebrae
Dunnophis cf. cadurcensis4 Rage 1974 dwarf boa
MHNL Li 329 and 330, two vertebrae
 Squamata -
Booidea "A"4 Gray 1825 snake
MHNL Li 342 and 343, two trunk vertebrae
 Squamata - Boidae
Boidae indet.4 Gray 1825 boa
MHNL Li 325 and 326, three trunk vertebrae
Boidae "sp. K"4 Gray 1825 boa
A snake referred to as "Boïdé K" by Crochet et al 1981. MHNL Li 338-340, 12 isolated vertebrae; Li 341, perhaps 3 articulated vertebrae
Cadurcoboa sp.4 Rage 1978 boa
MHNL Li 337, one trunk vertebra
Palaeopython sp.4 Rochebrune 1880 boa
MNHL Li 320-324, 31 trunk vertebrae
 Squamata - Russellophiidae
? Russellophiidae indet.4 Rage 1978 snake
MHNL Li 344 and 345, two trunk vertebrae
 Squamata -
Coniophis sp.4 Marsh 1892 snake
MHNL Li 319, one trunk vertebra
 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Rhodanogekko vireti n. gen. n. sp.1
Rhodanogekko vireti n. gen. n. sp.1 Hoffstetter 1946 gecko
UCBL (unknown no., fig. 1 in Hoffstetter 1946), frontal (Ref. 43438 gives the holotype as MHNL Li 300)
 Rodentia - Pseudosciuridae
Protadelomys lugdunensis n. sp.2 Hartenberger 1969 rodent
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Cartierodon cf. egerkingensis5 Solé and Mennecart 2019 creodont
UCBL-FSL 2113 and 2114