Elk Creek (390 m) (Eocene of the United States)

Also known as USGS D-2035 (Dorsey Quarry); YPM 80, 421; USNM D2035Q

Where: Big Horn County, Wyoming (44.5° N, 108.0° W: paleocoordinates 49.2° N, 90.8° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: Willwood Formation, Wasatchian (55.8 - 50.3 Ma)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithology not reported

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: D. M. Schankler. 1980. Faunal Zonation of the Willwood Formation in the Central Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology 24:99-114 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 15534: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Terri Cleary

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Dorsey Quarry placed at 397 m level by Bloch et al. 1998
 Squamata - Xantusiidae
Palaeoxantusia sp.9 Hecht 1956 night lizard
USNM 527883 (left dentary fragment), 527884, 527885 (left maxilla fragments), 527886 (right maxilla fragment), 527887 (left maxilla fragment), 527956 (partial right dentary), 527960 (left maxilla; Text-fig. 6A), 527965 (right dentary; Textfig. 6B).
 Squamata -
Scincoideus sp.9 Folie et al. 2005 squamates
USNM 527823 (right dentary fragment), 527824 (left maxilla fragment), 527825 (partial premaxilla; Text-fig. 7A), 527840 (left dentary fragment), 527889 (left maxilla fragment), ?527890 (left dentary fragment), 527891 (right dentary fragment), 527893 (right dentary fragment), 527894 (jaw fragment), 527895 (right dentary fragment), 527896, 527897 (right dentary fragment), 527898 (left dentary fragment), 527899 (right maxilla fragment; Text-fig. 7B), 527900 (left dentary fragment; Textfig. 7C), 527901–527905 (jaw fragments), 527906 (right maxilla fragment), 527907 (premaxilla fragment).
Anguimorpha "sp. 2"9 squamates
USNM 527822, 527874 (jaw fragments), 527961 (left dentary).
 Squamata - Necrosauridae
Provaranosaurus sp.9 Gilmore 1942 squamates
USNM 527970 (right dentary fragment).
 Squamata - Anguidae
Gerrhonotinae indet.9 Cope 1864 squamates
USNM 527863 (jaw fragment), 527865 (jaw fragment; Text-fig. 8), 527867 (left maxilla fragment), 527873 (left dentary fragment).
Glyptosaurinae indet.9 Marsh 1872 squamates
USNM 527977 (right dentary fragment)
Proxestops sp.9 Gauthier 1982 squamates
USNM 527868 (right dentary fragment; Text-fig. 9B, 10B), 527869 (posterior jaw fragment; Text-fig. 10A), 527917 (left frontal fragment; Text-fig. 9A), 527975 (partial left dentary).
Glyptosaurus rhodinos n. sp.9 Smith 2011 squamates
USNM 527814 (holotype), partial parietal; Paratype: USNM 527978 (partial right maxilla)
 Squamata -
cf. Saniwa sp.9 Leidy 1870 squamates
USNM 527911 (right maxilla fragment; Text-fig. 14A, B), 527912 (left dentary fragment; Text-fig. 14C), 527976 (left dentary fragment; Text-fig. 14D).
Entomophontes incrustatus10 Smith and Gauthier 2013 squamates
USNM 527817 (right maxilla fragment), 527819 (jaw fragment), 527820 (right dentary fragment), 527821 (right dentary fragment; Text-fig. 13), 527866 (left maxilla fragment), 527871 (left dentary fragment), 527872 (jaw fragment).
Entomophontes hutchisoni n. sp.10 Smith and Gauthier 2013 squamates
USNM 527961 (holotype), left dentary; Paratypes: USNM 527822 (jaw fragment), 527874 (jaw fragment).
 Squamata - Iguanidae
Anolbanolis geminus n. sp.9 Smith 2011 squamates
USNM 527980 (holotype), partial right maxilla; Paratypes: USNM 527815 (partial left dentary; Text-fig. 4E), 527816 (left mandible fragment), 527828 (jaw fragment), ?527832 (left maxilla fragment), 527836 (portion of articulated right dentary and splenial; Text-fig. 4F), 527843 (jaw fragment), 527844 (right dentary fragment), 527849 (left dentary fragment), 527852 (jaw fragment), 527861, 527862 (left dentary fragments), 527870 (partial right dentary), 527941 (partial left postorbital; Text-fig. 4D), 527981 (partial right dentary), 527983 (partial right dentary). Referred specimens: 527876 (partial premaxilla; Text-fig. 4A), 527931 (partial left pterygoid; Text-fig. 4C).
Suzanniwana sp.9 Smith 2009 squamates
USNM 527830 (jaw fragment), 527831 (maxilla fragment), ?527833 (jaw fragment), 527835 (fragment of articulated right dentary and splenial; Text-fig. 2H), 527837 (fragment of articulated right dentary and splenial; Text-fig. 2I), 527838 (partial left dentary; Text-fig. 2G), 527839 (partial left dentary), 527841, 527842 (left dentary fragments), 527845 (right dentary fragment; Text-fig. 2E), 527846 (left maxilla fragment), 527847 (right maxilla fragment; Text-fig. 2C), ?527848 (left dentary fragment), 527853, 527854 (jaw fragments), 527855 (left maxilla fragment), 527856 (right dentary fragment), ?527859, ?527860 (jaw fragments), 527877 (premaxilla fragment; Text-fig. 2A), 527967 (partial right dentary; Text-fig. 2D), 527974 (right maxilla; Text-fig. 2B), 527979 (partial left dentary; Text-fig. 2F).
Paranolis delicatus n. gen. n. sp.9 Smith 2011 squamates
USNM 527969 (holotype), left dentary; Referred specimen: USNM 527944 (partial left jugal; Textfig. 5A). "This specimen is not in the syntype."
 Cimolesta - Coryphodontidae
Coryphodon sp. Owen 1845 pantodont
 Cimolesta - Esthonychidae
Esthonyx bisulcatus Cope 1874 tillodont
 Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus sp. Leidy 1870 condylarth
 Primates - Paromomyidae
Phenacolemurinae indet.1 Simpson 1955 primate
 Primates - Omomyidae
Tetonius sp.3 Matthew 1915 tarsier
T. matthewi-ambiguus intergrade; Y-80
 Primates - Notharctidae
Cantius sp.1 Simons 1962 primate
 Primates - Picromomyidae
Picromomys petersonorum n. sp.8 Rose and Bown 1996 primate
from USGS D-2035, Big Horn Co.
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Paramys cf. excavatus Loomis 1907 rodent
 Creodonta - Oxyaenidae
Oxyaena forcipata6 Cope 1874 creodont
"O. intermedia/forcipata"
 Creodonta -
Prolimnocyon atavus5 Matthew and Granger 1915 creodont
YPM 421
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Prototomus robustus5 Matthew and Granger 1915 creodont
YPM 421; may = "P. sp. 1"
"Prototomus viverrinus" = Sinopa viverrinus5 Cope 1874 creodont
YPM 421; may = "P. sp. 1"
Tritemnodon strenuus1 Cope 1875 creodont
 Ferae -
Vulpavus australis Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
described by Gingerich 1983a: YPM 421
Miacis petilus4 Gingerich 1983 placental
 Ferae - Viverravidae
Viverravus acutus7 Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
YM-421; "V. acutus/gracilis"
Didymictis protenus7 Cope 1874 placental
YM-421; "D. curtidens/lysitensis"
 Tribosphenida - Phenacodontidae
Phenacodus sp.1 Cope 1873 condylarth
Copecion brachypternus1 Cope 1882 condylarth
 Artiodactyla - Diacodexeidae
Diacodexis sp.1 Cope 1882 even-toed ungulate
Bunophorus grangeri11 Sinclair 1914 even-toed ungulate
Bunophorus robustus1 Sinclair 1914 even-toed ungulate
 Soricomorpha - Geolabididae
Batodonoides vanhouteni2 Bloch et al. 1998 placental
USGS D-2035 DUPLICATE REF 1100 or 1101
 Leptictida - Leptictidae
Didelphodus absarokae Cope 1881 eutherian
Prodiacodon tauricinerei Jepsen 1930 eutherian
 Taeniodonta - Stylinodontidae
Ectoganus gliriformis1 Cope 1874 taeniodont