La Barge (Eocene of the United States)

Also known as 12 mi north of Big Piney; Tulsa

Where: Sublette County, Wyoming (42.7° N, 110.1° W: paleocoordinates 47.7° N, 93.5° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

When: LaBarge Member (Wasatch Formation), Wasatchian (55.8 - 50.3 Ma)

• said to be from the "Knight Mbr." (= LaBarge)

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; mudstone

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: C. L. Gazin. 1962. A Further Study Of The Lower Eocene Mammalian Faunas Of Southwestern Wyoming. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 144(1):1-98 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Marcot]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 15662: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot and Patricia Holroyd

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• said to underlie the Tipton Shale (=Fontenelle), therefore clearly within the La Barge Mbr. sensu Krishtalka et al. 1987
apparently includes material referred to by Szalay 1969a as "Muddy Creek locality, 12 miles north of Big Piney... Sublette Co."
 Tribosphenida - Peradectidae
Peradectes chesteri1 Gazin 1952 marsupial
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Peratherium edwardi Gazin 1952 marsupial
 Cimolesta - Coryphodontidae
Coryphodon lobatus6 Cope 1877 pantodont
Coryphodon radians Cope 1872 pantodont
 Cimolesta - Esthonychidae
Esthonyx acutidens Cope 1881 tillodont
 Cimolesta - Apatemyidae
Apatemys bellulus1 Marsh 1872 eutherian
 Leptictida - Leptictidae
Palaeictops bicuspis1 Cope 1880 eutherian
 Rodentia - Sciuravidae
Knightomys senior Gazin 1952 rodent
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Paramys copei Loomis 1907 rodent
includes "P. major"; described by Wood 1962 as P. copei copei
Paramys excavatus Loomis 1907 rodent
assigned to P. excavatus excavatus by Wood 1962
 Rodentia - Cylindrodontidae
Dawsonomys woodi Gazin 1961 rodent
 Primates - Omomyidae
Loveina sheai1 Gazin 1962 tarsier
Anemorhysis sublettensis n. sp. Gazin 1952 tarsier
presumably includes tentative record of Gunnell 1995a from "Red Buttes... 12 miles north of Big Piney"
Absarokius abbotti1 Loomis 1906 tarsier
Chlororhysis knightensis n. sp. Gazin 1958 tarsier
 Primates - Notharctidae
Cantius nunienus1 Cope 1881 primate
Notharctus cf. venticolus Osborn 1902 primate
 Primates - Microsyopidae
Microsyops knightensis1 Gazin 1952 primate
 Ferae - Epoicotheriidae
Tubulodon pearcei1 Gazin 1952 placental
 Creodonta -
Prolimnocyon antiquus1 Matthew and Granger 1915 creodont
 Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Gazinocyon cf. vulpeculus1 Matthew and Granger 1915 creodont
Tritemnodon cf. strenuus1 Cope 1875 creodont
 Creodonta - Oxyaenidae
Oxyaena lupina4 Cope 1874 creodont
Ambloctonus major Denison 1938 creodont
 Ferae -
Uintacyon asodes Gazin 1952 placental
Vulpavus australis1 Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
Miacis sp.1 Cope 1872 placental
Miacis cf. latidens Matthew and Granger 1915 placental
 Ferae - Viverravidae
Didymictis altidens Cope 1880 placental
Viverravus lutosus Gazin 1952 placental
 Acreodi -
Wyolestes dioctes n. sp.3 Gingerich 1982 mesonychian
 Procreodi - Arctocyonidae
Thryptacodon antiquus Matthew and Granger 1915 condylarth
 Artiodactyla - Diacodexeidae
Diacodexis sp.1 Cope 1882 even-toed ungulate
Bunophorus cf. macropternus Cope 1882 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Homacodontidae
Hexacodus pelodes Gazin 1952 even-toed ungulate
 Placentalia -
Perissodactyla indet.1 Owen 1848 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Minippus index2 Cope 1873 horse
Protorohippus cf. venticolum5 Cope 1881 horse
"LaBarge medium"
 Perissodactyla -
Heptodon calciculus1 Cope 1880 odd-toed ungulate
Heptodon posticus8 Cope 1882 odd-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Brontotheriidae
Lambdotherium popoagicum Cope 1880 brontothere
see Bonillas 1936
 Tribosphenida - Phenacodontidae
Meniscotherium chamense1 Cope 1874 condylarth
 Condylarthra - Hyopsodontidae
Hyopsodus wortmani Osborn 1902 condylarth
Hyopsodus cf. mentalis Cope 1875 condylarth
 Taeniodonta -
Stylinodontinae indet. Schlosser 1911 taeniodont
confirmed by Schoch 1986
 Squamata - Anguidae
Arpadosaurus gazinorum n. gen. n. sp.7
Arpadosaurus gazinorum n. gen. n. sp.7 Meszoely 1970 squamates