Porterfield Quarry, 5 miles northeast of Saltville (Ordovician of the United States)

Where: Smyth County, Virginia (36.9° N, 81.7° W: paleocoordinates 29.7° S, 62.0° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Nemagraptus gracilis graptolite zone, Effna Limestone Member (Edinburg Formation), Ashbyan (457.3 - 449.6 Ma)

• Base of unit.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: reef, buildup or bioherm; limestone

• The formation is generally composed of calcarenite or shell debris or both. At

•the type locality it attains a thickness of about 221 feet, but it is thinner to the southwest along the same belt and also in the northern belt. One of the best places for the study of this formation is at the Porterfield Quarry, 5 miles east of Saltville. At this place the Effna formed a great reef (now quarried away) at the base of the Rich Valley formation.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: H. B. Whittington. 1956. The trilobite family Isocolidae. Journal of Paleontology 30(5):1193-1198 [B. Kröger/B. Kröger]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 164296: authorized by Björn Kröger, entered by Björn Kröger on 28.11.2014, edited by Pete Wagner

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

  - Isocolidae
Holdenia typa Cooper 1953 trilobite
 Acrotretida - Acrotretidae
Conotreta plana Cooper 1956
Conotreta cuspidata Cooper 1956
 Siphonotretida - Siphonotretidae
Schizambon "sp. 1", "Schizambon cuneatum" = Multispinula cuneata
Schizambon "sp. 1" Walcott 1884
"Schizambon cuneatum" = Multispinula cuneata Willard 1928
 Lingulida - Obolidae
"Pachyglossa pachydermata" = Pachyglossella
Elliptoglossa ovalis Bassler 1919
 Protorthida - Skenidiidae
 Pentamerida - Camerellidae
 Orthida - Giraldiellidae
"? Doleroides ponderosus n. sp." = Famatinorthis ponderosus, Scaphorthis "sp. 1", Scaphorthis perplexa n. sp.
"? Doleroides ponderosus n. sp." = Famatinorthis ponderosus Cooper 1956
Scaphorthis "sp. 1" Cooper 1956
Scaphorthis perplexa n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Orthida - Phragmorthidae
Phragmorthis buttsi n. gen. n. sp.
Phragmorthis buttsi n. gen. n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Orthida - Hesperorthidae
Ptychopleurella rectangulata n. sp. Cooper 1956
Ptychopleurella mediocostata n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Orthida - Archaeorthidae
 Orthida - Orthidae
"Orthambonites parvicrassicostatus" = Sulevorthis parvicrassicostatus Cooper 1956
 Orthida - Productorthidae
 Orthida - Glyptorthidae
Glyptorthis glypta n. sp. Cooper 1956
Eridorthis inexpecta n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Orthida - Linoporellidae
Laticrura pionodema n. gen. n. sp.
Laticrura pionodema n. gen. n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Strophomenida - Furcitellidae
Dactylogonia "sp. 5" Ulrich and Cooper 1942
 Strophomenida - Christianiidae
 Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae
 Strophomenida - Leptellinidae
 Strophomenida - Bimuriidae
Bimuria superba Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Bimuria immatura n. sp. Cooper 1956
 Orthotetida - Triplesiidae
 Billingsellida - Gonambonitidae
Kullervo parva n. sp. Cooper 1956
Kullervo ornata n. sp. Cooper 1956