Locality 126. Section II. Eastern side of the Kopalysai valley (Ordovician of Kazakhstan)

Where: Kazakhstan (43.8° N, 75.3° E: paleocoordinates 11.9° S, 81.5° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• small collection-level geographic resolution

When: Unit E Member (Uzunbulak Formation), Abereiddian (468.0 - 461.1 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lithified, shelly/skeletal, argillaceous limestone

• BA4-5
• A bed of bioclastic limestones

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the USNM

Collection methods: bulk,

Primary reference: L. E. Popov, O. Vinn, and O. I. Nikitina. 2001. Brachiopods of the redefined family Tritoechiidae from the Ordovician of Kazakhstan and South Urals. Geobios 34(2):131-155 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 165488: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 19.01.2015

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Acrotretida - Eoconulidae
 Acrotretida - Ephippelasmatidae
Numericoma simplex Holmer 1989
 Acrotretida - Acrotretidae
Eurytreta cf. campaniformis Krause and Rowell 1975
 Acrotretida - Scaphelasmatidae
 Acrotretida - Torynelasmatidae
Torynelasma zhetysuicum n. sp. Nikitina et al. 2006
 Lingulida - Obolidae
Spinilingula cf. bracteata Krause and Rowell 1975
 Lingulida - Paterulidae
 Lingulida - Elkaniidae
Broeggeria cf. putilla Tenjakova 1989
 Pentamerida - Camerellidae
Camerella mica n. sp. Nikitina et al. 2006
Camerella spp. on list
Neostrophia marinae n. sp. Nikitina et al. 2006
 Pentamerida - Parallelasmatidae
Kopalina perplexa n. gen. n. sp.
Kopalina perplexa n. gen. n. sp. Nikitina et al. 2006
 Pentamerida - Parallelelasmatidae
Metacamarella kopalica n. sp. Nikitina et al. 2006
 Orthida - Plectorthidae
Kujanorthis anderkensis Nikitina et al. 2006
 Orthida - Orthidae
Taphrorthis sp. Cooper 1956
 Strophomenida - Christianiidae
Christiania hastata Rukavishnikova 1956
 Strophomenida - Leptellinidae
Apatomorpha cita Rukavishnikova 1956
 Strophomenida - Bimuriidae
Asperdelia villosa Nikitina et al. 2006
 Strophomenida - Aegiromenidae
Chonetoidea sp. Jones 1928
 Strophomenida - Plectambonitidae
Taphrodonta kelleri Nikitina et al. 2006