Where: Quebec, Canada (48.2° N, 64.8° W: paleocoordinates 23.5° S, 35.1° W)
When: Pterospathodus amorphognathoides graptolite zone, La Vieille Formation (Chaleurs Group), Telychian (438.5 - 433.4 Ma)
• Formation spans Cyrtograptus lapworthi - Cyrtograptus murchisoni zones. C6 brachiopod zone
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: limestone and shale
Size class: macrofossils
Reposited in the GSC, YPM
Primary reference: S. A. Northrop. 1939. Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Silurian rocks of the Port Daniel-Black Cape Region, Gaspé. Geological Society of America Special Paper 21:1-302 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 184842: authorized by Pete Wagner, entered by Pete Wagner on 26.03.2017
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Trilobita | |
Bumastus sp. Murchison 1839 trilobite | |
"Goldius ekwanensis" = Ekwanoscutellum ekwanaspis
"Goldius ekwanensis" = Ekwanoscutellum ekwanaspis Whiteaves 1906 trilobite | |
Sedentaria | |
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Craniata | |
"Crania siluriana" = Philhedrella siluriana
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Strophomenata | |
"Schuchertella pecten" = Coolinia pecten
"Schuchertella pecten" = Coolinia pecten Linnaeus 1758 | |
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? Liljevallia vieillensis n. sp.
? Liljevallia vieillensis n. sp. Northrop 1939 | |
"Protomegastrophia profunda" = Brachyprion (Protomegastrophia) profunda
"Protomegastrophia profunda" = Brachyprion (Protomegastrophia) profunda Hall 1852 Strophodonta profunda Hall 1867 p. 369, 392, pi. 13, figs. 3-4
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Rhynchonellata | |
Atrypa reticularis Linnaeus 1758 | |
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Eospirifer radiatus Sowerby 1834 | |
Barrandella kindlei Northrop 1939 | |
"Stricklandia gaspiensis" = Costistricklandia gaspeensis
"Stricklandia gaspiensis" = Costistricklandia gaspeensis Billings 1859 | |
Dolerorthis flabellites Foerste 1889 | |
Glyptorthis cf. fausta Foerste 1887 | |
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"Parmorthis elegantula" = Resserella, "Parmorthis visbyensis" = Resserella
"Parmorthis elegantula" = Resserella Orthis elegantula Davidson 1871 p. 205, figs. 1-2; p. 211 - 213 , pl. 27, figs. 1 - 9
"Parmorthis visbyensis" = Resserella Parmorthis visbyensis nana; Dalmanella wisbyensis nana McLearn 1924 p. 55, pl. 3, figs. 10-17.
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Bivalvia | |
Pterinea mclearni Northrop 1939 oyster | |
Cephalopoda | |
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Gastropoda | |
Euomphalopterus valeria Billings 1865 snail | |
Anthozoa | |
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Favosites favosus Goldfuss 1826 tabulate coral
Favosites gothlandicus Lamarck 1816 tabulate coral
Favosites hisingeri Milne-Edwards and Haime 1851 tabulate coral | |
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Halysites catenularia Linnaeus 1767 tabulate coral includes Halysites catenularia microporus & Halysites catenularia simplex
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Syringopora compacta Billings 1858 tabulate coral
Syringopora bifurcata Lonsdale 1839 tabulate coral | |
"Omphyma turbinata" = Ketophyllum turbinata, "Omphyma eriphyle" = Ketophyllum eriphyle
"Omphyma eriphyle" = Ketophyllum eriphyle Billings 1862 horn coral | |
"Palaeocyclus rotuloides" = Porpites rotuloides
"Palaeocyclus rotuloides" = Porpites rotuloides Hall 1852 horn coral | |
Cystiphyllum cylindricum horn coral Cystiphyllum sp. A: a number of specimens resemble C. cylindricum Lonsdale (Lang and Smith, 1928, p. 477-478, PL 36) which, in turn, is close to C. siluriense Lonsdale (Lang and Smith, 1928, p. 476).
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"Zaphrentis stokesi" = Zaphrenthis
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Arachnophyllum pentagonum Goldfuss 1826 horn coral
Arachnophyllum approximatum Parks 1933 horn coral Strombodes approximatus Parks 1933 p. 38-39, pl. 8, fig. 5.
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Stromatoporoidea | |
"Clathrodictyon regulare" = Petridiostroma regulare
"Clathrodictyon regulare" = Petridiostroma regulare Rosen 1867 stromatoporoid sponge | |
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Stromatopora "sp. B" Goldfuss 1826 stromatoporoid sponge |