Farola Monte Hermoso (=Zone of Neocavia depressidens) (Pliocene of Argentina)

Also known as “Chapadmalense", Miembro de las limolitas claras/limolitas estratificadas or Unidad litostratigrafica II

Where: Buenos Aires, Argentina (39.0° S, 61.8° W: paleocoordinates 39.0° S, 60.7° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Neocavia depressidens mammal zone, Puerto Belgrano Formation, Chapadmalalan (4.0 - 3.0 Ma)

• The stratotype of this zone overlies the stratotype of the Zone of Trigodon gaudryi (from the unconformity separating units I and II of Fidalgo and Tonni, 1982) and ranges to the base of the postchapadmalalan (Kraglievich, 1946) Puerto Belgrano Formation of Zavala (1993;

•The Zone of Neocavia depressidens should be considered the lower part of the Chapadmalalan.

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; brown, yellow, sandy siltstone and lenticular, white, yellow tuff

• Unit II is composed of yellowish brown to whitish brown sandy silt to silty sand, with tuffaceous lenses that occasionally change to continuous beds. Unit I and II are separated by a unconformity. Both

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: A. L. Cione and E. P. Tonni. 1996. Reassesment of the Pliocene-Pleistocene continental time scale of Southern South America. Correlation of the type Chapadmalalan with Bolivian sections. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 9(3/4):221-236 [P. Mannion/M. Kouvari/M. Kouvari]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 199156: authorized by Philip Mannion, entered by Miranta Kouvari on 23.01.2019

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Cingulata - Pampatheriidae
Plaina sp. Castellanos 1927 edentate
 Cingulata -
Plohophoroides sp. Castellanos 1928 edentate
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Trachycalyptus sp. Ameghino 1908 edentate
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Doellotatus sp. Bordas 1932 armadillo
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Macroeuphractus sp. Ameghino 1887 armadillo
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Chorobates sp. Reig 1958 armadillo
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Macrochorobates sp. Scillato Yané 1980 armadillo
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Megatherioidea - Megalonychidae
Diheterocnus sp. Kraglievich 1928 edentate
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
  - Mylodontidae
Proscelidodon sp. Bordas 1935 edentate
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Notoungulata - Toxodontidae
Xotodon sp. Ameghino 1887 notoungulate
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Rodentia - Chinchillidae
"Lagostomopsis sp." = Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis)
"Lagostomopsis sp." = Lagostomus (Lagostomopsis) Kraglievich 1926 viscacha
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Rodentia - Caviidae
Dolicavia sp. Ameghino 1916 caviomorph
Cardiomys sp. Ameghino 1885 caviomorph
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Microcavia sp. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 caviomorph
Orthomyctera chapadmalensis caviomorph
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Neocavia depressidens Parodi and Kraglievich 1948 caviomorph
"Neocavia depressidens"
 Rodentia - Hydrochoeridae
"Phugatherium sp." = Phugatherium, "Protohydrochoerus sp." = Phugatherium, "Anchimysops ultra" = Phugatherium, "Anchimysops sp." = Phugatherium
"Phugatherium sp." = Phugatherium Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
"Protohydrochoerus sp." = Phugatherium Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
"Anchimysops ultra" = Phugatherium caviomorph
"Anchimysops sp." = Phugatherium Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Rodentia - Dinomyidae
Telicomys sp. Kraglievich 1926 caviomorph
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Rodentia - Octodontidae
Phtoramys homogenidens Ameghino 1887 caviomorph
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
"Auliscomys formosus" = Kraglievichimys formosus Reig 1978 rodent
Necromys bonapartei Reig 1978 rodent
 Carnivora - Procyonidae
cf. Cyonasua sp. Ameghino 1885 procyonid carnivore
MLP 09-X-5-1 - collected by Sergio Bogan
 Panameriungulata - Proterotheriidae
Brachytherium sp. Ameghino 1883 placental
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
Promacrauchenia chapadmalense placental
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Artiodactyla - Tayassuidae
Platygonus marplatensis Reig 1952 peccary
Argyrohyus sp. Kraglievich 1959 peccary
 Sparassodonta - Thylacosmilidae
Thylacosmilidae sp. Riggs 1933 metatherian
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Polydolopimorphia - Argyrolagidae
Argyrolagus sp. Ameghino 1904 metatherian
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
 Didelphimorphia - Didelphidae
Lutreolina tracheia Rovereto 1914 lutrine opossum
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone
Hyperdidelphys sp. Ameghino 1904 opossum
common taxa with Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis zone