Mexican amber (SMNS collection) (Miocene of Mexico)

Also known as Chiapas amber; ETE Locality 798

Where: Mexico (17.2° N, 92.7° W: paleocoordinates 17.7° N, 89.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• local area-level geographic resolution

When: Mazantic Shale Formation (Simojovel Group), Early/Lower Miocene (23.0 - 16.0 Ma)

• JA: originally entered as Chattian and from the La Quinta Formation; fossils are from the estaurine Mazantic Shale and strictly Early Miocene according to Perrilliat et al. 2010

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; amber

Size class: mesofossils

Preservation: soft parts, original chitin, amber

Reposited in the SMNS

• Material in the Stuttgart Museum fur Naturkunde collection

Primary reference: W. Schawaller. 1982. Der erste Pseudoskorpion (Chernetidae) aus Mexikanischem Bernstein (Stuttgarter Bernsteinsammlung: Arachnida, Pseudoscorpionidea). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 85:1-9 [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 21977: authorized by Conrad Labandeira, entered by Conrad Labandeira on 08.06.1998, edited by Jered Karr, Amy Delelli and Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Acariformes -
Prostigmata indet.11 mite
SMNS Mx 220
Oribatida indet.11 Dugès 1834 oribatid mite
SMNS Mx 422 (Ctenacaridae or Collohmanniidae)
Galumnoidea indet.11 Jacot 1925 oribatid mite
SMNS Mx 356
 Araneae -
Araneae indet.11 Clerck 1757 spider
SMNS Mx 208
 Araneae - Hersiliidae
Hersiliidae indet.7 Thorell 1870 tree trunk spider
SMNS Mx-239-X
 Araneae - Theridiidae
? Theridiidae indet.11 Sundevall 1833 cobweb spider
SMNS Mx 117, 318
 Araneae - Uloboridae
Miagrammopes indet.11 Pickard-Cambridge 1869 hackled orb-weaver
SMNS Mx 244
 Araneae - Salticidae
Salticidae indet.11 Blackwall 1841 spider
SMNS Mx 238, 349, 354
 Araneae - Anyphaenidae
Anyphaenidae indet.11 Bertkau 1878 spider
SMNS Mx 114
 Pseudoscorpiones - Chernetidae
Chernetidae indet. Menge 1855 pseudoscorpion
SMNS Mx-124-D-3
? Lustrochernes "sp. 1"6 Beier 1932 pseudoscorpion
SMNS Mx-258, 388.4
 Parasitiformes - Paramegistidae
Paramegistidae indet.11 Tragardh 1946
SMNS Mx 358
 Entomobryomorpha - Entomobryidae
Seira sp.11 Lubbock 1869 springtail
SMNS Mx 269
 Hemiptera - Cixiidae
Oliarus "sp. 1"11 Stal 1862 cixiid planthopper
SMNS Mx 370
Oliarus "sp. 2"11 Stal 1862 cixiid planthopper
SMNS Mx 262
 Hemiptera - Delphacidae
Eucanyra sp.11 Crawford 1914 planthopper
SMNS Mx 280
 Hemiptera - Derbidae
? Cenanges "sp. 1"11 Fennah 1952 planthopper
SMNS Mx 215
? Cenanges "sp. 2"11 Fennah 1952 planthopper
SMNS Mx 338
 Hemiptera - Nogodinidae
Nogodina chiapaneca n. sp.14 Solórzano Kraemer and Petrulevičius 2007 planthopper
SMNS Mx 392
 Hemiptera - Reduviidae
Alumeda solorzanokraemerae n. sp.9 Popov 2016 thread-legged bug
SMNS Mx-260-X
 Hemiptera - Psyllidae
Tuthillia danielburckhardti n. sp.3 Drohojowska 2016 jumping plant louse
SMNS Mx 364
 Blattodea - Blattellidae
Ischnoptera sp.11 Burmeister 1838 cockroach
SMNS Mx 234
 Blattodea - Rhinotermitidae
Coptotermes sp.11 Wasmann 1896 termite
SMNS Mx 274(x2), 251, 127(x2), 423
Heterotermes sp.11 Froggatt 1897 termite
SMNS Mx 361, 359, 212, 123
 Blattodea - Kalotermitidae
Calcaritermes sp.11 Snyder 1925 termite
SMNS Mx 236
 Hymenoptera - Evaniidae
Hyptia deansi n. sp.5
Hyptia deansi n. sp.5 Jennings et al. 2012 ensign wasp
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Crematogaster sp.11 Lund 1831 ant
SMNS Mx 391
Cephalotes "sp. 1"11 Latreille 1802 ant
SMNS Mx 205
Cephalotes "sp. 2"11 Latreille 1802 ant
SMNS Mx 270
Cephalotes ventriosus n. sp.2 de Andrade 1999 ant
SMNS Mx 391
Pheidole "sp. 1"11 Westwood 1840 ant
SMNS Mx 318A
Pheidole "sp. 2"11 Westwood 1840 ant
SMNS Mx 318B
Solenopsis sp.11 Westwood 1840 ant
SMNS Mx 335
Pachycondyla "sp. 1"11 Smith 1858 ant
SMNS Mx 246
Pachycondyla "sp. 2"11 Smith 1858 ant
SMNS Mx 211
Pachycondyla "sp. 3"11 Smith 1858 ant
SMNS Mx 255
Camponotus sp.11 Mayr 1861 ant
SMNS Mx 325, 243, 326, 122, 366
Azteca sp.11 Forel 1878 ant
SMNS Mx 218, 15, 219, 277, 350, 377, 384
Tapinoma sp.11 Forster 1850 ant
SMNS Mx 15
 Lepidoptera - Depressariidae
Stenomatinae indet.11 Meyrick 1906 moth
SMNS Mx 272
 Lepidoptera - Gelechiidae
Gelechiidae indet.11 Stainton 1854 moth
SMNS Mx 210
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Copelatus sp.11 Erichson 1832 predaceous diving beetle
SMNS Mx 337
 Coleoptera - Carabidae
Carabidae indet.11 Latreille 1802 ground beetle
SMNS Mx 249, 218, 275
Eohomopterus simojovelensis n. sp.10 Solórzano Kraemer 2006 ant nest beetle
SMNS Mx 121-D
 Coleoptera - Hydrophilidae
Anacaena sp.11 Thomson 1859 water scavenger beetle
SMNS Mx 302
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
"Scolytidae indet." = Scolytinae11 Latreille 1804 bark beetle
SMNS Mx 343
Cenocephalus tenuis n. sp.8 Peris and Solórzano Kraemer 2015 ambrosia beetle
SMNS Mx-379, 354, 213
Cenocephalus hurdi8 Schedl 1962 ambrosia beetle
SMNS Mx-213, 347
Cenocephalus succinicaptus8 Schedl 1962 ambrosia beetle
SMNS Mx-214, 275
Tesserocerus simojovelensis n. sp.8 Peris and Solórzano Kraemer 2015 pin-hole borer beetle
SMNS Mx-238
 Coleoptera - Mordellidae
Mordellidae indet.11 Latreille 1802 tumbling flower beetle
SMNS Mx 355
 Coleoptera - Zopheridae
"Colydiidae indet." = Zopheridae11
"Colydiidae indet." = Zopheridae11 Solier 1834 ironclad beetle
SMNS Mx 114, 212, 213
 Coleoptera - Mycetophagidae
Mycetophagidae indet.11 Leach 1815 hairy fungus beetle
SMNS Mx 326
 Coleoptera - Scirtidae
Scirtes sp.11 Illiger 1807 marsh beetle
SMNS Mx 268
 Psocodea - Myopsocidae
Myopsocus sp.11 Hagen 1866 mouse like barklouse
SMNS Mx 282
 Psocodea - Archipsocidae
Archipsocus "sp. 1"11 Hagen 1882 ancient barklouse
SMNS Mx 266
Archipsocus "sp. 2"11 Hagen 1882 ancient barklouse
SMNS Mx 114
Archipsocus "sp. 3"11 Hagen 1882 ancient barklouse
SMNS Mx 360
 Psocodea - Liposcelididae
Belaphotroctes sp.11 Roesler 1943 booklouse
SMNS Mx 222
 Psocodea - Psyllipsocidae
Psyllipsocus sp.11 Selys-Longchamps 1872 cave barklouse
SMNS Mx 248
 Ephemeroptera - Baetidae
Cloeodes sp.11 Traver 1938 mayfly
SMNS Mx 219
 Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
Culicoides sp.11 Latreille 1809 biting midge
SMNS Mx 239
Brachypogon (Isohelea) sp.11 Kieffer 1917 biting midge
SMNS Mx 239
Forcipomyia (Lasiohelea) sp.11 Kieffer 1921 biting midge
SMNS Mx 226
Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) "sp. 1"11 Meigen 1818 biting midge
SMNS Mx 351
Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) "sp. 2"11 Meigen 1818 biting midge
SMNS Mx 124
 Diptera - Culicidae
Culiseta sp.11 Felt 1904 mosquito
SMNS Mx 250
Ochlerotatus "sp. 1"11 Lynch Arribalzaga 1891 mosquito
SMNS Mx 124
Ochlerotatus "sp. 2"11 Lynch Arribalzaga 1891 mosquito
SMNS Mx 114
 Diptera - Psychodidae
Psychodinae indet.17 Newman 1834 moth fly
SMNS Mx 118 (x2), 235, 276 (x2), 304
Matuna sp.17 Stebner and Solórzano Kraemer 2014 moth fly
SMNS Mx 235
Psychoda sp.17 Latreille 1796 moth fly
SMNS Mx 216, 220
Alepia sp.17 Enderlein 1937 moth fly
SMNS Mx 346
Pintomyia (Pifanomyia) bolontikui n. sp.4 Ibáñez-Bernal et al. 2014 sand fly
SMNS Mx 351.3
Trichomyia sp.17 Haliday 1839 moth fly
SMNS Mx 217, 226, 229, 278
 Diptera - Limoniidae
Gnophomyia sp.11 Osten Sacken 1860 crane fly
SMNS Mx 19
Dicranomyia sp.11 Stephens 1829 crane fly
SMNS Mx 216
 Diptera - Mycetophilidae
Boletina "sp. 1"11 Staeger 1840 fungus gnat
SMNS Mx 252, 215
Boletina "sp. 2"11 Staeger 1840 fungus gnat
SMNS Mx 242
 Diptera - Sciaridae
Schwenckfeldina archoica n. sp.13 Solórzano Kraemer and Mohrig 2007 dark-winged fungus gnat
SMNS Mx 367
 Diptera - Keroplatidae
Orfelia "sp. 1"11 Costa 1857 predatory fungus gnat
SMNS Mx 264
Orfelia "sp. 2"11 Costa 1857 predatory fungus gnat
SMNS Mx 318, 235, 15
 Diptera - Anisopodidae
Mycetobia sp.11 Meigen 1818 wood gnat
SMNS Mx 276
 Diptera - Hybotidae
Stilpon mexicanus n. sp.15 Solórzano Kraemer et al. 2005 dance fly
SMNS Mx 395-H
Micrempis brevis n. sp.15 Solórzano Kraemer et al. 2005 dance fly
SMNS Mx 266-X
 Diptera - Dolichopodidae
Medeterinae indet.1 Lioy 1864 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 226
Sympycninae indet.1 Aldrich 1905 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 228
? Sympycninae indet.1 Aldrich 1905 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 232
Neoparentia chiapensis n. sp.1 Bickel 2016 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 210
Amblypsilopus sp.1 Bigot 1888 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 261, 281, 378, 384
Amblypsilopus sp.1 Bigot 1888 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 228a
Amblypsilopus sp.1 Bigot 1888 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 228b
Amblypsilopus monicae n. sp.1 Bickel 2016 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 254
Mesorhaga pseudolacrymans1 Bickel 2016 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 19
Mesorhaga pseudolacrymans n. sp.1 Bickel 2016 long-legged fly
SMNS Mx 360
 Diptera - Milichiidae
? Pholeomyia sp.11 Bilimek 1867 fly
SMNS Mx 285
 Diptera - Ulidiidae
Diacrita sp.11 Gerstaecker 1860 fly
Xanthacrona sp.11 Wulp 1899 fly
 Diptera - Ephydridae
Brachydeutera sp.11 Loew 1862 shore fly
SMNS Mx 279
 Diptera - Phoridae
Metopina sp.11 Macquart 1835 scuttle fly
SMNS Mx 239
Megaselia sp.11 Rondani 1856 scuttle fly
SMNS Mx 132
Apocephalus chiapanecus n. sp.16 Solórzano-Kraemer and Brown 2021 scuttle fly
SMNS Mx-443
Dohrniphora sp.12 Dahl 1898 scuttle fly
SMNS Mx 209
 Diptera - Tabanidae
Stenotabanus oleariorum n. sp.18 Strelow et al. 2013 horse fly
SMNS Mx 245