McGraths Flat (Miocene of Australia)

Where: New South Wales, Australia (32.2° S, 149.7° E: paleocoordinates 40.8° S, 148.5° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Middle Miocene (16.0 - 11.6 Ma)

• The presence of palynofloras consistent with those of the Canthiumidites bellus Zone, as defined by Stover and Partridge for the Gippsland Basin and modified by Macphail for the Murray Basin, indicates a latest early to middle Miocene age (~11 to 16 Ma) for the fossiliferous deposit. Attribution of the sediments to this zone is based on the presence of Cingulatisporites ornatus, Polypodiisporites usmensis, Foveotrilites balteus, and Rugulatisporites cowrensis in association with frequently occurring Nothofagidites, Haloragacites, and myrtaceous pollen.

Environment/lithology: pond; lithified siderite

• The fine bedding of the goethite matrix, contrasted against the coarser sandstones and conglomerates underneath the deposit, indicates that the fossils may have been deposited in a low-energy water body, but that the site was a higher-energy water channel before this. A high abundance of immature phantom midges (Chaoborus, Chaoboridae, and Diptera), normally found only when predator populations are absent or low, suggests that the depositional environment was isolated enough that aquatic predators could not easily enter and leave the environment. However, the presence of the occasional fish and a variety of rheophilic insects indicates that the water body at McGraths Flat maintained some connection to a river channel, likely through overbank flows. The limited geographic distribution of the deposit, combined with the low number of larger vertebrate predators, strongly suggests that the environment of deposition was relatively small and local in scale, similar to that of an oxbow lake.
• Finely bedded goethite (ferricrete)

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: adpression, replaced with limonite

Collection methods: Repository: Australian Museum, Sydney

Primary reference: M. R. McCurry, D. J. Cantrill, P. M. Smith, R. Beattie, M. Dettmann, V. Baranov, C. Magee, J. M. T. Nguyen, M. A. Forster, J. Hinde, R. Pogson, H. Wang, C. E. Marjo, P. Vasconcelos, and M. Frese. 2022. A Lagerstätte from Australia provides insight into the nature of Miocene mesic ecosystems. Science Advances 8(eabm1406) [M. Clapham/M. Clapham]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 224044: authorized by Matthew Clapham, entered by Matthew Clapham on 08.01.2022

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Excludes Alisporites sp., listed as probably recycled from Mesozoic sediments
 Araneae -
Araneae indet. Clerck 1757 spider
 Araneae - Theridiidae
Theridiidae indet. Sundevall 1833 cobweb spider
AM F.145550
 Araneae - Salticidae
Simaetha sp.5 Thorell 1881 spider
AM F.161027
 Araneae -
Mygalomorphae indet. Pocock 1892 spider
AM F.146659
 Araneae - Barychelidae
Megamonodontium mccluskyi n. gen. n. sp.3
Megamonodontium mccluskyi n. gen. n. sp.3 McCurry et al. 2024 trapdoor baboon spider
AM F.145559
 Blattodea - Mastotermitidae
Mastotermitidae indet. Desneux 1904 termite
 Trichoptera - Polycentropodidae
Polycentropodidae indet. Ulmer 1903 caddisfly
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Curculionidae indet. Latreille 1802 snout beetle
 Coleoptera -
Chrysomeloidea indet. Latreille 1802 beetle
 Coleoptera - Cerambycidae
Ventiala beattiei n. gen. n. sp.2, Ferrucornus gulgongensis n. gen. n. sp.2
Ventiala beattiei n. gen. n. sp.2 Hart et al. 2024 longhorned beetle
AM F.154842
Ferrucornus gulgongensis n. gen. n. sp.2 Hart et al. 2024 longhorned beetle
AM F.145097/145098
 Coleoptera -
Archostemata indet. Kolbe 1908 beetle
 Coleoptera - Dytiscidae
Dytiscidae indet. Leach 1815 predaceous diving beetle
 Megaloptera - Sialidae
Sialidae indet. Leach 1815 alderfly
AM F.146510/511, 146512, 160352 in Baranov et al. 2024
 Dicondylia -
Hymenoptera indet. Linnaeus 1758 winged insect
 Hymenoptera -
Tenthredinoidea indet. Latreille 1802 wood wasp
AM F.145093
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Formicidae indet. Latreille 1802 ant
 Hemiptera - Cicadidae
Burbungoides gulgongensis n. gen. n. sp.4, Tithopsaltria titan n. gen. n. sp.4, Laopsaltria ferruginosa n. gen. n. sp.4
Burbungoides gulgongensis n. gen. n. sp.4 Moulds et al. 2022 cicada
AM F.147105
Tithopsaltria titan n. gen. n. sp.4 Moulds et al. 2022 cicada
AM F.147103
Laopsaltria ferruginosa n. gen. n. sp.4 Moulds et al. 2022 cicada
AM F.147104
 Hemiptera - Reduviidae
Reduviidae indet. Latreille 1807 assassin bug
 Hemiptera - Fulgoridae
Fulgoridae indet. Latreille 1807 fulgorid planthopper
 Odonata - Corduliidae
Corduliidae indet. Selys-Longchamps 1850 green-eyed skimmer
 Odonata - Gomphidae
Austrogomphus sp. Selys-Longchamps 1854 clubtail dragonfly
 Dicondylia -
Ephemeroptera indet. Hyatt and Arms 1890 mayfly
Ichthybotidae or Coloburiscidae indet.
 Ephemeroptera - Baetidae
cf. Platybaetis sp. Müller-Liebenau 1980 mayfly
 Diptera - Ceratopogonidae
Ceratopogonidae indet. Newman 1834 biting midge
 Diptera - Chaoboridae
Chaoborus abundans n. sp.1 Baranov et al. 2024 phantom midge
 Diptera - Chironomidae
Podonominae indet. Thienemann and Edwards 1837 non biting midge
Tanypodinae indet.1 Skuse 1889 non biting midge
AM F.145439, 145492, 160707 (unclear whether different from Podonominae indet. in original paper)
Riethia sp. Kieffer 1917 non biting midge
AM F.146366, 145457, 145462, 145489 - four pupae in Baranov et al. 2024
Orthocladiinae indet. Lenz 1921 non biting midge
AM F.146528/529, 144993, 144994 in Baranov et al. 2024
 Diptera - Limoniidae
cf. Tonnoirella sp. Alexander 1928 crane fly
AM F.146583
 Unionata -
Unionida indet. Stoliczka 1871 clam
Aves indet. Linnaeus 1758 bird
 Teleostei -
Perciformes indet. Bleeker 1859 perch-like fish
 Osmeriformes - Retropinnidae
"Dyadosporites sp." = Dyadosporonites
"Dyadosporites sp." = Dyadosporonites Hammen
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podocarpus sp. L'Heritier and Persoon 1807 podocarp
Lygistepollenites florinii Stover and Evans 1973 podocarp
Podocarpidites ellipticus Cookson 1947 podocarp
Phyllocladidites mawsonii Cookson 1947 podocarp
Dacrydium sp. Soland and Lambert 1807 podocarp
 Fabales - Fabaceae
Margocolporites vanwijhei Germeraad et al. 1968 legume
 Fagales - Nothofagaceae
Nothofagus sp. Blume 1850
 Fagales - Casuarinaceae
Gymnostoma sp. Johnson 1980
 Fagales -
Nothofagidites sp. Potonié 1960
Nothofagidites emarcidus/heterus
Nothofagidites asperus Cookson 1958
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
Cupanieidites spp. Cookson and Pike 1954 soapberry
 Malvales - Sterculiaceae
Brachychiton sp. Schott and Endlicher 1832
 Myrtales -
Myrtaceidites spp. Cookson and Pike 1960
 Laurales - Lauraceae
Laurophyllum sp. Göppert 1853 laurel
Cinnamomum sp. Schaeffer 1760 cinnamon
 Poales - Restionaceae
Milfordia spp. Erdtman 1960
 Poales - Poaceae
Graminidites sp. Potonie 1960 bamboo
 Mesangiosperms -
Aglaoreidia sp. Erdtman 1960
 Proteales - Proteaceae
Proteacidites spp. Cookson and Couper 1953
Propylipollis sp. Martin and Harris 1975
Banksia sp. Linnaeus 1782
 Caryophyllales - Chenopodiaceae
 Selaginellales -
Densoisporites sp. Dettmann 1963 clubmoss
 Pinidae - Pinidae
Dilwynites sp. Harris 1965
Agathis sp. Salisbury 1807
Verrucosisporites sp. Potonie and Kremp 1954
 Schizaeales - Polypodiidae
Lygodium sp. Swartz 1800 climbing fern
 Polypodiales - Polypodiidae
 Gleicheniales - Polypodiidae
  - Blechnaceae
  - Osmundaceae
  - Dicksoniaceae
  - Polypodiaceae
Laevigatosporites sp. Ibrahim 1933
  - Gleicheniaceae
Gleichenia sp. Smith 1793
Gleicheniidites sp. Dettmann 1963
Hymenophyllum sp. Smith 1793