Lickershamn 2 (Silurian of Sweden)

Where: Gotland, Sweden (57.8° N, 18.5° E: paleocoordinates 21.4° S, 3.0° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: unit b Member (Hogklint Beds Formation), Sheinwoodian (433.4 - 430.5 Ma)

• Since the reference level described by Laufeld (1974b) undulates, an auxiliary reference level was established by L. Jeppsson, which comprises a thin mud layer about 1.80 m below the former

Environment/lithology: marine; marl

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected by L. Jeppsson

Collection methods: chemical

• The rock slabs were dissolved using standard micropalaeontological methods for retrieving phosphatic microfossils. The unsoluble residue was washed through 1.0 and 0.063 mm screens, dried, and the scolecodonts recovered by electrostatic picking.

Primary reference: M. Eriksson. 1997. Lower Silurian polychaetaspid polychaetes from Gotland, Sweden. GFF Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 119(3):213-230 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 224111: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Evangelos Vlachos on 18.01.2022

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Eunicida -
 Eunicida - Polychaetaspidae
Oenonites latus
Holotype, right MI, LO 7660, Fig. 13B
Oenonites olavi n. sp. Eriksson 1997
Oenonites eichwaldi n. sp. Eriksson 1997
Holotype, right MI, LO 7639, Fig. 9A2
Oenonites jennyensis n. sp. Eriksson 1997
Holotype, right MI, LO 7645, Fig. 10A2
Oenonites zappae n. sp. Eriksson 1997
Holotype, right MI, LO 7675, Fig. 16B
Oenonites wejstorpi n. sp. Eriksson 1997