Tuantian Diatomite Mine, Tengchong (Pliocene of China)

Where: Yunnan, China (24.7° N, 98.6° E: paleocoordinates 24.3° N, 98.4° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Mangbang Formation, Late/Upper Pliocene (3.6 - 2.6 Ma)

• "According to the K–Ar method, the basaltic rocks of the middle part of Mangbang Formation date to 3.297 ± 0.040 Ma (Li et al., 2000), and the andesitic rocks of overlying Mingguang Formation to 2.322 ± 0.036 Ma (Li et al., 2000). In combination with the local stratigraphic correlations (BGMRYP, 1990) and biostratigraphic comparison (Tao and Du, 1982, Ge and Li, 1999), the fossil-bearing deposits of the upper part of Mangbang Formation are confined to the Late Pliocene." (Sun et al. 2011)

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fluvial; diatomite

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Primary reference: B.-N. Sun, J.-Y. Wu, Y.-S. Liu, S.-T. Ding, X.-C. Li, S.-P. Xie, D.-F. Yan and Z.-C. Lin. 2011. Reconstructing Neogene vegetation and climates to infer tectonic uplift in western Yunnan, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 304(3-4):328-336 [B. Allen/B. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 224402: authorized by Bethany Allen, entered by Bethany Allen on 28.02.2022

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• Floral list based on Wu et al. (2009), PhD thesis
  - Polypodiaceae
Drynaria dimorpha n. sp.1 Wu and Sun 2012
Lanzhou University, FTP-3108 (holotype)
 Ranunculales - Berberidaceae
 Lamiales - Oleaceae
 Aquifoliales - Aquifoliaceae
Ilex sp. Linnaeus 1753 holly
 Cornales - Cornaceae
 Saxifragales - Hamamelidaceae
Rhodoleia tengchongensis n. sp. Wu and Sun 2015 witch-hazel
 Dioscoreales - Dioscoreaceae
Dioscorea sp. Linnaeus 1753 yam
 Laurales - Lauraceae
 Myrtales - Myrtaceae
 Sapindales - Rutaceae
"Evodia miosinica" = Euodia
"Evodia miosinica" = Euodia citrus
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
Acer subpictum2 Saporta 1873 maple
Acer miofranchetii2 Hu and Chaney 1940 maple
 Rosales - Ulmaceae
 Rosales - Rhamnaceae
"Berchemia miofloribunda" = Berhamniphyllum miofloribundum Hu and Chaney 1940 buckthorn
 Rosales - Papilionaceae
Robinia sp. Linnaeus 1753
 Fabales - Fabaceae
 Fagales - Myricaceae
 Fagales - Betulaceae
 Fagales - Juglandaceae
Palaeocarya longialata n. sp.2 Xie and Sun 2010
Lanzhou University, FTP-1-322-17 (holotype)
Palaeocarya guangxiensis2 Li and Chen 2003
Palaeocarya yunnanensis n. sp.2 Xie and Sun 2010
Lanzhou University, FTP-3-227-12 (holotype)
Juglans sp. Linnaeus 1753 walnut
 Fagales - Fagaceae
Castanopsis sp. Spach 1842 chinquapin
"Cyclobalanopsis cf. multinervis" = Quercus (Cyclobalanopsis) ring-cupped oak
"Cyclobalanopsis chevalieri" = Quercus (Cyclobalanopsis) ring-cupped oak
 Malpighiales - Euphorbiaceae
 Malpighiales - Clusiaceae
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae