Kõrgessaare Fm; GIT collection (Ordovician of Estonia)
Where: Estonia (59.0° N, 22.5° E: paleocoordinates 29.4° S, 2.2° W)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
When: Kõrgessaar Formation, Katian (453.0 - 445.2 Ma)
Environment/lithology: nodular limestone
• normal marine
• Thinly bedded (2–8 cm), bluishgrey to yellowish grey clayey nodular limestones with thin (b2 cm) marl intercalations were exposed
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: O. Vinn, A. Ernst, and U. Toom. 2016. Earliest symbiotic rugosans in cystoporate bryozoan Ceramopora intercellata Bassler, 1911 from Late Ordovician of Estonia (Baltica). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461(1):140-144 [B. Seuss/B. Seuss]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 226636: authorized by Barbara Seuss, entered by Barbara Seuss on 19.07.2022
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
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Anthozoa | |
Lambelasma sp. Weyer 1973 horn coral | |
Grewingkia europaeum, Kenophyllum siluricum, Streptelasma hiumica, Rectigrewingkia anthelion, Kenophyllum subcylindricum, Bodophyllum sp.
Grewingkia europaeum Roemer 1861 horn coral
Kenophyllum siluricum Dybowski 1873 horn coral
Streptelasma hiumica Reiman 1958 horn coral
Rectigrewingkia anthelion Dybowski 1873 horn coral
Kenophyllum subcylindricum Kaljo 1961 horn coral
Bodophyllum sp. Neuman 1969 horn coral | |
Stenolaemata | |
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Ceramopora intercellata Bassler 1911 | |