Western Prince of Wales Island, Section 7, Additional Fauna (Devonian of Canada)

Also known as Mesodouvillina-Ancillotoechia Community

Where: Nunavut, Canada (73.5° N, 100.0° W: paleocoordinates 2.2° S, 30.2° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Lochkovian (419.2 - 410.8 Ma)

• Unnamed formation.

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: lagoonal or restricted shallow subtidal; argillaceous, silty lime mudstone

• Deposits in this region are of two general kinds: shallow-water stable carbonate platform (generally in the NW part of Arctic Archipelago) and deeper basinal facies (generally to the SE). This collection is in the former. This is in Smith's Mesodouvillina-Ancillotoechia Community, which he places in the second of six zones from nearshore to offshore, shallow subtidal. "This comm. probably occupied a somewhat restricted, shallow-water environment. The lack of such common taxa as Howellella, Atrypa, and Gypidula suggests and abnormal environment, possibly shallower and more restricted than the Schizophoria-Howellella environemnt. The high concentration of argillaceous and carbonaceous matter would have restricted the growth of large numbers of the normal marine fauans, e.e., corals, bryozoans, and echinoderm fragments."

•SEP environmental call based on given info and regional context

• Section in general: "The characteristic lithology is very silty, thin-bedded lime mudstone containing argillacoue seams and common dark grey-black laminations." "..composed of heavily argillaceous, carbonaceous lime-mudstone with abudnant angular quartz silt and abundant fecal fellets. In additon to the brachiopod fauana, it contains gastropods, pelecypods, ostracodes and rare crinoids."

Collection methods: I have included elements listed in general description of this section but not in individual collections.

Primary reference: R. E. Smith. 1980. Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) biostratigraphy and brachiopod faunas, Canadian arctic islands. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 308:1-155 [M. Foote/M. Foote/P. Wagner]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 26554: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 17.10.2002

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Crinoidea indet. Miller 1821 Sea lily
 Proetida - Proetidae
"Warburgella rugulosa" = Warburgella (Rugulites) rugulosa
"Warburgella rugulosa" = Warburgella (Rugulites) rugulosa Alth 1874 trilobite
Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802 ostracod
Gastropoda indet. Cuvier 1795 snail
Bryozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1831
Anthozoa indet. Ehrenberg 1834