Kozlu Formation-Kilic Member (Carboniferous of Turkey)

Where: Turkey (41.5° N, 31.8° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 22.8° S, 24.5° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: Carboniferous (358.9 - 298.9 Ma)

• Floral associations suggest that the lower part of the Kilic Member is best assigned to the upper Namurian while the upper part may be early Westphalian A.

Environment/lithology: mudstone and coal

• Basal boundary is above the topmost sandstones of the Alacaagzi Formation. Upper contact is abrupt with the Dilaver Member of the Kozlu Formation.
• Coal seams occur throughout this member.

Preservation: mold/impression

Collection methods: The entire formation is a dominantly sandy succession with subordinate shales, pebbly units, and thick coals. Basal part of the formation i s characterized by lacustrine depostis, while the upper parts comprises sequences formed by meandering low sinuosity streams. The coals closely resembles those of the later Westphalian coals of northwestern Europe.

Primary reference: I.E. Kerey, G. Kelling, and R.H. Wagner. 1985. An outline stratigraphy and palaeobotanical records from the middle Carboniferous rocks of northwestern Turkey. Extrait des Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord 203-216 [R. Gastaldo/J. Allen/J. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 27824: authorized by Robert Gastaldo, entered by Jonathan Allen on 14.01.2003

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Equisetales - Equisetidae
 Lepidodendrales - Lepidodendraceae
 Sphenophyllales -
 Radiatopses - Medullosaceae
  - Sphenopteridae
  - Neuropteridae
"Neuralethopteris schlehanii" = Neuralethopteris schlehani
"Neuralethopteris schlehanii" = Neuralethopteris schlehani Stur 1877