Where: France (50.8° N, 1.8° E: paleocoordinates 24.4° S, 4.3° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Griset Member (Blacourt Formation), Givetian (387.7 - 382.7 Ma)
• Lower varcus ensensis conodont zone
• member-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; black limestone and reef rocks
Primary reference: P. Morzadec, D. Brice, C. Cygan, R. Feist, C. Majeste-Menjoulas, F. Paris, and P. R. Racheboeuf. 2000. The Devonian of France: a tentative tie with the GSSP of the Devonian stages. Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg 225:115-129 [M. Foote/M. Foote/M. Foote]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 38681: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 28.04.2004, edited by Pete Wagner
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Crinoidea | |
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Trilobita | |
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Deuteropoda | |
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Ostracoda | |
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? Silenites "sp. G"4, Bairdiocypris sp.4, Bairdiocypris cf. rauffi4, Bairdiocypris cf. eifliensis4, Bairdiocypris cf. livnensis4, ? Bairdiocypris sp.4, Bairdiocypris "sp. 2"4, Bairdiocypris vastus4, Bairdiocypris "sp. 1"4, Bairdiocypris symmetrica4, Bairdiocypris rhenana4, ? Orthocypris cicatrosa4, Praepilatina sp.4
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Cytherellina obliqua4, Cytherellina cf. perlonga4, Cytherellina sp.4, Cytherellina grossae4, Cytherellina "sp. 2"4, "Healdianella" budensis4, Healdianella "sp. 1"4
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Quasillites fromelennensis4, Quasillites "sp. 1"4, Jenningsina heddebauti4, Jenningsina aff. catenulata4
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Coeloenellina "sp. A"4, Coeloenellina cf. bijensis4, ? Coeloenellina "sp. 3K"4, Coeloenellina "sp. B"4, Coeloenellina vellicata4, Coeloenellina minima4
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Paraparchitidae indet.4, Paraparchites "sp. G"4, Paraparchites "sp. 1"4, Paraparchites "sp. G prime"4
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"? Uchtovia sp." = Sargentina4
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? Sulcella sp.4, Sulcella cf. australis4, Sulcella rhenana4, Sulcella abundans4, Cavellina "sp. 3L"4, Cavellina "sp. 3M"4, Cavellina cf. devoniana4, ? Cavellina wahlensis4, ? Cavellina "sp. 2"4, Cavellina "cf. sp. II"4
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Stenolaemata | |
? Corynotrypa dhondti n. sp.1
? Corynotrypa dhondti n. sp.1 | |
Fistuliramus pachycystis n. sp.1
Fistuliramus pachycystis n. sp.1 | |
Acanthoclema distilus n. sp.1
Acanthoclema distilus n. sp.1 | |
Rhynchonellata | |
Spinatrypa "sp. G"2 Stainbrook 1951 | |
Stringocephalus burtini2 Defrance 1825 | |
Strophomenata | |
Productella subaculeata2 Murchison 1840 | |
Rostroconchia | |
Conocardioidea sp.9 Miller 1889 | |
Stromatoporoidea | |
Bifariostroma bifarium5, Actinostroma cf. perlaminatum5, Actinostroma clathratum5, Actinostroma papillosum5, Actinostroma cf. devonense5, Actinostroma septatum5, Actinostroma tabulatum5, ? Actinostroma cf. sertiforme5, Actinostroma stellulatum5
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Stictostroma curiosa5, Dendrostroma cf. oculatum5, ? Clathrocoilona cf. crassitexta5, Clathrocoilona spissa5, Clathrocoilona obliterata5, "Stromatoporella granulata" = Stromatoporella5, "Pseudostictostroma sp." = Stromatoporella5
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Hermatostroma "sp. 2"5, Hermatostroma parksi5, Hermatostroma cf. cimacense5, Hermatostroma maillieuri5, Hermatostroma "sp. 1"5, Hermatostroma thomasi5, Hermatostroma crassum5, Hermatostroma cf. pustulosum5, ? Trupetostroma cf. micropertusum5, ? Trupetostroma cf. bassleri5, Synthetostroma cf. actinostromoides5
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Stromatopora concentrica5, ? Stromatopora cf. laminosa5, "Stromatopora" colliculata5, Stromatopora huepschii5
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Anthozoa | |
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Spinophyllum arduum8, "Cyathophyllum cf. briceae" = Argutastrea briceae8, "Pseudohexagonaria amanshausesri" = Argutastrea8, "Pseudohexagonaria glinskii" = Argutastrea8, Columnaria cf. junkerbergiana8, Disphyllia wangi8, Disphyllia hamoriensis8, Disphyllia periclada8, Disphyllia magnei8
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"Stringophyllum isactis" = Sociophyllum isactis8, "Gaofengophyllum cf. longiseptatum" = Sociophyllum8
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