Where: England, United Kingdom (50.7° N, 2.1° W: paleocoordinates 48.5° N, 6.0° W)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: MP16 zone, Creechbarrow Limestone Formation, Bartonian (41.3 - 38.0 Ma)
• This is the only known outcrop of the Creechbarrow Limestone, ranges in thickness from 0-16 m and lies above unnamed sands and clays
•"Chreechbarrow Hill is dated to mammal Paleogene Reference Level MP16 and the lautricense-siderolithicum Zone, by comparison with continental European faunas" (Benton et al., 2005)
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; oncoidal, shelly/skeletal, yellow, sandy marl and intraclastic, shelly/skeletal, yellow, silty, sandy marl
•buff marl: a buff calcareous silty clay with abundant angular to subangular quartz grains up to 1 m m in diameter and containing limestone clasts. It also contains oncoliths often containing [mollusc] and vertebrate remains and derived silicified Cretacous bryozoans.
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: cast, trace
Primary reference: W. H. Hudleston. 1902. Creechbarrow: An Essay in Purbeck Geology. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History Museum and Antiquarian Field Club 23:146-190 [J. Alroy/E. Leckey/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 39014: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Erin Leckey on 18.05.2004, edited by Jelle Zijlstra, Terri Cleary and Philip Mannion
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
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Reptilia | |
"Crocodilia indet." = Crocodylia5
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Mammalia | |
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Microchiroptera "indet. 1"6, Microchiroptera "indet. 2"6, Microchiroptera "indet. 3"6, Microchiroptera "indet. 4"6
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Gesneropithex figularis n. sp.6
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Vulpavoides cooperi n. sp.6
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Ailuravus stehlinschaubi6, "? Manitshinae indet." = Manitshini6, Plesiarctomys indet.3, Plesiarctomys hurzeleri6, Plesiarctomys curranti n. sp.6, Patriarchamys batesi2
Plesiarctomys indet.3 Bravard 1848 rodent HZM 1.31219 incisor fragment; HZM 2.31220 incisor fragment; HZM 3.32269 incisor fragment; HZM 4.32302 incisor fragment; HZM 5.32734 incisor fragment; HZM 8.33441 upper incisor fragment; HZM 9.34213 part lower incisor; HZM 11.36149 lower incisor tip; HZM 12.36231 incisor tip; HZM 11.37925 incisor fragment; HZM 13.37019 incisor fragment; HZM 9.34609 incisor fragment; HZM 14.38757 incisor fragment.
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Suevosciurus authodon n. sp.6
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"Treposciurus helveticus" = Treposciurus mutabilis helveticus6, Treposciurus preecei n. sp.1, Sciuroides rissonei n. sp.6
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Adapinae indet.6, Adapis laharpi3, "Europolemur collinsonae n. sp." = Adapis collinsonae6, Leptadapis aff. magnus6
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Microchoerus wardi n. sp.6, Pseudoloris cf. crusafonti5, Nannopithex sp.6, "Nannopithex quaylei n. sp." = Vectipithex quaylei6
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Plagiolophus curtisi6, Palaeotherium sp.7, Lophiotherium siderolithicum6, "Propalaeotherium cf. parvulum" = Eurohippus parvulus5
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Amphirhagatherium louisi3 Sudre 1978 even-toed ungulate HZM 1.32665 M3 dex. [two fragments restored, CL 9.24 (e) CW 10.92 mm (e) (Fig. 20].
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Dichobune robertiana3 Gervais 1848 even-toed ungulate HZM 1.33150 m3 dex. CL 6.7 (e) CW 4.22 mm (hypoconulid missing, Fig. 18a-c, Pl. 3).
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Allopterodon minor3 Lange-Badré 1979 creodont HZM 1.36450 buccal fragment M1 sin. CL [parastyle to metacone 3.84 mm. Parastyle to metastyle 4.48 mm (Fig. 12a-b)].
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Paramiacis indet.3 Filhol 1876 placental HZM 12.36909 I1 or 2 CL 1.60 CW 1.41 mm; HZM 11.36470 ?I3 CL 1.41 CW 1.25 mm; HZM 1.30592 I1or2CL1.47CW1.41mm;HZM8.33843I1or2CL 1.60 CW 1.38 mm; HZM 6.32831 ?I3 sin. CL 1.47 CW 1.54 mm; HZM 13.35511 ?I3 CW 1.44; HZM 12.35260 I3 sin.?CL 1.60 CW 1.34 mm; HZM 10.34054 I1 or 2 CW 1.47 mm; HZM 4.31539 ?upper canine tip and part shaft CL 2.18 (e) CH 4.86 mm (e). (Fig. 16a).
Paramiacis exilis3 Filhol 1876 placental HZM 13.36847 lingual fragment M1-2 dex. CL (at protocone) 2.05 mm; HZM 12.36656 lingual fragment M1-2 dex. CL (at protocone) 2.18 mm (Fig. 14a); HZM 5.32740 trigonid m1 dex. TRI W 2.69 TRI L 2.75 mm (Fig. 15d-f); HZM 9.34053 trigo- nid m1 sin. TRI W 2.82 TRI L 2.50 mm; HZM 11.34417 trigonid m1 dex. TRI W 2.82 TRI L 2.69 mm; HZM 3.31333 m2 dex. CL 2.88 TRI W 1.82 TAL W 2.02 mm (Fig. 14b-d); HZM 3.38849 trigonid m2 dex. TRI W 2.56 mm (Fig. 13a-d).
Paramiacis teilhardi3 Mathis 1987 placental HZM 1.35504 trigonid m1 sin. TRI W 3.52 TRI L 3.20 mm (Fig. 15a-c); HZM 2.30732 part trigonid m1 dex. (two fragments restored) TRI L 3.52 mm (Fig. 16f); HZM 3.38849 trigonid m2 dex. TRI W 2.56 mm (Fig. 13a- d).
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Saturninia aff. mamertensis3 Sigé 1976 placental HZM 11.34232 M1-2 dex. CL 0.96 CW 1.89 LLL 0.90 mm (Fig. 3a, b); HZM 1.31647 lingual lobe M1- 2 dex. LLL 0.96 mm; HZM 4.31754 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 0.90 mm; HZM 24.38134 lingual lobe M1-2, LLL 0.93 mm; HZM 20.38334 lingual lobe M1-2 dex LLLa-p 0.96 mm; HZM 22.37964 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 19.37529 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.80 mm; HZM 23.38025 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 16.34848 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 15.34652 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 22.38863 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.74 mm; HZM 23.38903 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.77 mm; HZM 18.36629 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm; HZM 18.37499 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.90 mm; HZM 21.37706 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 21.38616 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 17.35188 part trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 5.31829 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm; HZM 6.32004 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 7.32445 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.96 mm; HZM 8.32768 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm (Fig. 4a, b); HZM 20.37639 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.99 mm; HZM 21.38616 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 14.34523 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.99 mm; HZM 19.36945 talonid m1-2 sin. TAL W 0.90 mm; HZM 3.31796 talonid m1-2 sin. TAL W 0.90 mm (Fig. 4c, d); HZM 17.36399 talonid m3 sin. TAL W 0.80 mm.
Cryptotopos hartenbergeri3 placental HZM 21.377813 P4 sin. CL 2.21+ CW 2.88 mm; HZM 18.37592 P4 sin. CL 1.73 (e) CW 1.47 mm; HZM 14.36526 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.15 mm; HZM 5.31025 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.28 mm; HZM 6.33938 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 1.28 mm (Fig. 5c, d); HZM 4.32468 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.18 mm; HZM 8.33763 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.22 mm; HZM 3.32060 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.15 mm; HZM 7.35326 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 1.15 mm (Fig. 5a, b); HZM 9.35825 part lingual lobe M1-2 sin; HZM 20.377812 part p4 dex. TAL W 0.77 mm; HZM 1.35405 p4 dex. CL 1.54 TRI W 0.80 TAL W 0.86 mm (Fig. 6a-c); HZM 10.35883 p4 dex. CL 1.60 TRI W 0.90 TAL W 0.80 mm (Fig. 6d-f); HZM 19.37768 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 16.36846 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.77 mm; HZM 13.36230 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.90 mm (Fig. 7a- c); HZM 15.36527 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.80 mm; HZM 12.34463 trigonid ?p4 sin. TRI W 0.86 mm; HZM 12.38292 dp4 sin. CL 1.66 TRI W 0.77 TAL W 0.70 mm; HZM 13. 34483 trigonid m1-2 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 2.33830 m3 sin. CL 1.22 TRI W 0.90 TAL W 0.64 mm (Fig. 6g-i).
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Actinopteri | |
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Deuteropoda | |
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Sedentaria | |
cf. Ditrupa sp. Berkeley 1835 | |
Bryozoa | |
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Stenolaemata | |
Gymnolaemata | |
"? Ascophora indet." = Ascophorina5
"? Ascophora indet." = Ascophorina5 Levinsen 1909 | |
Bivalvia | |
Unio brightoni n. sp.9
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cf. Lucina sp. Bruguière 1797 clam | |
Gastropoda | |
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Melanopsis sp. Férussac 1807 snail
Melanopsis brevis snail | |
"? Melanidae indet." = Melaniidae
"? Melanidae indet." = Melaniidae Gray snail | |
"Voluta geminata" = Athleta (Neoathleta) geminata7
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Paludina sp. Férussac 1812 snail
Paludina aff. concinna snail | |
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unclassified | |
"? Cyanophyta indet." = Cyanobacteria5
"? Cyanophyta indet." = Cyanobacteria5 Stanier 1973 |