Creechbarrow Hill (Eocene of the United Kingdom)

Where: England, United Kingdom (50.7° N, 2.1° W: paleocoordinates 48.5° N, 6.0° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: MP16 zone, Creechbarrow Limestone Formation, Bartonian (41.3 - 38.0 Ma)

• This is the only known outcrop of the Creechbarrow Limestone, ranges in thickness from 0-16 m and lies above unnamed sands and clays

•"Chreechbarrow Hill is dated to mammal Paleogene Reference Level MP16 and the lautricense-siderolithicum Zone, by comparison with continental European faunas" (Benton et al., 2005)

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; oncoidal, shelly/skeletal, yellow, sandy marl and intraclastic, shelly/skeletal, yellow, silty, sandy marl

• in general it's a buff marl containing variable sized limestone clasts, the limestone (sensu stricto) is a cream coloured, mottled with buff, soft to hard, massive micritic limestone with drusy sparite, scattered angular to subangular quartz grains up to 1mm in diameter, oncoliths often containing [molluscs and vertebrate remains]. Hard limestone in recent excavations was mainly encountered in the basal rubbly soid layer (A).

•buff marl: a buff calcareous silty clay with abundant angular to subangular quartz grains up to 1 m m in diameter and containing limestone clasts. It also contains oncoliths often containing [mollusc] and vertebrate remains and derived silicified Cretacous bryozoans.

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Preservation: cast, trace

Primary reference: W. H. Hudleston. 1902. Creechbarrow: An Essay in Purbeck Geology. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History Museum and Antiquarian Field Club 23:146-190 [J. Alroy/E. Leckey/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 39014: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Erin Leckey on 18.05.2004, edited by Jelle Zijlstra, Terri Cleary and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Dictulumus leporinus8
from the pit highest on the east side of the hill
"Filholia" sp.5
originally reported in another ref (unknown which)
Palaeoxestina occlusa5
originally reported in another ref (unknown which)
 Loricata -
"Crocodilia indet." = Crocodylia5
"Crocodilia indet." = Crocodylia5 Owen 1842 crocodilian
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionyx sp.7 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 softshell turtle
 Testudines - Emydidae
Emys sp.7 Dumeril 1806 pond turtle
eggs of Trionyx or Emys, or may be casts of Helicidae
 Squamata - Russellophiidae
Russellophis sp.4 Rage 1975 snake
 Cimolesta - Apatemyidae
Heterohyus sp.5 Gervais 1848 eutherian
Heterohyus aff. nanus6 Teihard de Chardin 1916 eutherian
Heterohyus cf. sudrei6 Sigé 1975 eutherian
Heterohyus morinionensis n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 eutherian
 Chiroptera -
Microchiroptera "indet. 2"6 Dobson 1875 bat
Microchiroptera "indet. 3"6 Dobson 1875 bat
Microchiroptera "indet. 4"6 Dobson 1875 bat
 Macroscelidea - Amphilemuridae
Gesneropithex figularis n. sp.6 elephant shrew
 Condylarthra - Paroxyclaenidae
Vulpavoides cooperi n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 placental
 Rodentia - Ischyromyidae
Ailuravus stehlinschaubi6 Wood 1976 rodent
"? Manitshinae indet." = Manitshini6 Simpson rodent
very small incisors
Plesiarctomys indet.3 Bravard 1848 rodent
HZM 1.31219 incisor fragment; HZM 2.31220 incisor fragment; HZM 3.32269 incisor fragment; HZM 4.32302 incisor fragment; HZM 5.32734 incisor fragment; HZM 8.33441 upper incisor fragment; HZM 9.34213 part lower incisor; HZM 11.36149 lower incisor tip; HZM 12.36231 incisor tip; HZM 11.37925 incisor fragment; HZM 13.37019 incisor fragment; HZM 9.34609 incisor fragment; HZM 14.38757 incisor fragment.
Plesiarctomys curranti n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 rodent
Patriarchamys batesi2 Harrison 2006 rodent
 Rodentia - Theridomyidae
Suevosciurus authodon n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 rodent
 Rodentia - Pseudosciuridae
"Treposciurus helveticus" = Treposciurus mutabilis helveticus6, Treposciurus preecei n. sp.1, Sciuroides rissonei n. sp.6
"Treposciurus helveticus" = Treposciurus mutabilis helveticus6 Schmidt-Kittler 1971 rodent
Treposciurus preecei n. sp.1 Hooker 1986 rodent
Sciuroides rissonei n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 rodent
 Primates - Adapidae
Adapinae indet.6, Adapis laharpi3, "Europolemur collinsonae n. sp." = Adapis collinsonae6, Leptadapis aff. magnus6
Adapinae indet.6 Trouessart 1879 primate
Adapis laharpi3 primate
HZM 1.34240 ?m2 dex. CL 5.89, TRI W 3.07, TAL W 3.46 mm (Fig. 8a-c ).
"Europolemur collinsonae n. sp." = Adapis collinsonae6 Hooker 1986 primate
Leptadapis aff. magnus6 Filhol 1874 primate
 Primates - Omomyidae
Microchoerus wardi n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 tarsier
Pseudoloris cf. crusafonti5 Louis and Sudre 1975 tarsier
Nannopithex sp.6 Stehlin 1916 tarsier
"Nannopithex quaylei n. sp." = Vectipithex quaylei6 Hooker 1986 tarsier
 Perissodactyla - Palaeotheriidae
Plagiolophus curtisi6 Hooker 1986 odd-toed ungulate
aff. sp. nov. in prep (Hooker)
Palaeotherium sp.7 Cuvier 1804 odd-toed ungulate
isolated tooth
Lophiotherium siderolithicum6 Pictet 1857 odd-toed ungulate
"Propalaeotherium cf. parvulum" = Eurohippus parvulus5 Laurillard 1849 odd-toed ungulate
 Placentalia -
Artiodactyla indet.6 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Choeropotamidae
Amphirhagatherium louisi3 Sudre 1978 even-toed ungulate
HZM 1.32665 M3 dex. [two fragments restored, CL 9.24 (e) CW 10.92 mm (e) (Fig. 20].
? Choeropotamus sp.6 Desmarest 1822 even-toed ungulate
Haplobunodon venatorum n. sp.6 Hooker 1986 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Cebochoeridae
Cebochoerus robiacensis6 Deperet 1917 even-toed ungulate
Acotherulum campichii6 Pictet 1855 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Mixtotheriidae
Mixtotherium aff. gresslyi6 Rutimeyer 1891 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Dichobunidae
? Hyperdichobune "sp. 2"6 Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
Hyperdichobune "sp. 1"6 Stehlin 1910 even-toed ungulate
Dichobune robertiana3 Gervais 1848 even-toed ungulate
HZM 1.33150 m3 dex. CL 6.7 (e) CW 4.22 mm (hypoconulid missing, Fig. 18a-c, Pl. 3).
 Artiodactyla - Xiphodontidae
Dichodon sp.5 Owen even-toed ungulate
Dichodon cf. cervinus6 Owen 1848 even-toed ungulate
 Artiodactyla - Anoplotheriidae
Dacrytherium elegans6 Filhol 1884 even-toed ungulate
 Creodonta -
Allopterodon minor3 Lange-Badré 1979 creodont
HZM 1.36450 buccal fragment M1 sin. CL [parastyle to metacone 3.84 mm. Parastyle to metastyle 4.48 mm (Fig. 12a-b)].
 Ferae -
Paramiacis indet.3 Filhol 1876 placental
HZM 12.36909 I1 or 2 CL 1.60 CW 1.41 mm; HZM 11.36470 ?I3 CL 1.41 CW 1.25 mm; HZM 1.30592 I1or2CL1.47CW1.41mm;HZM8.33843I1or2CL 1.60 CW 1.38 mm; HZM 6.32831 ?I3 sin. CL 1.47 CW 1.54 mm; HZM 13.35511 ?I3 CW 1.44; HZM 12.35260 I3 sin.?CL 1.60 CW 1.34 mm; HZM 10.34054 I1 or 2 CW 1.47 mm; HZM 4.31539 ?upper canine tip and part shaft CL 2.18 (e) CH 4.86 mm (e). (Fig. 16a).
Paramiacis exilis3 Filhol 1876 placental
HZM 13.36847 lingual fragment M1-2 dex. CL (at protocone) 2.05 mm; HZM 12.36656 lingual fragment M1-2 dex. CL (at protocone) 2.18 mm (Fig. 14a); HZM 5.32740 trigonid m1 dex. TRI W 2.69 TRI L 2.75 mm (Fig. 15d-f); HZM 9.34053 trigo- nid m1 sin. TRI W 2.82 TRI L 2.50 mm; HZM 11.34417 trigonid m1 dex. TRI W 2.82 TRI L 2.69 mm; HZM 3.31333 m2 dex. CL 2.88 TRI W 1.82 TAL W 2.02 mm (Fig. 14b-d); HZM 3.38849 trigonid m2 dex. TRI W 2.56 mm (Fig. 13a-d).
Paramiacis teilhardi3 Mathis 1987 placental
HZM 1.35504 trigonid m1 sin. TRI W 3.52 TRI L 3.20 mm (Fig. 15a-c); HZM 2.30732 part trigonid m1 dex. (two fragments restored) TRI L 3.52 mm (Fig. 16f); HZM 3.38849 trigonid m2 dex. TRI W 2.56 mm (Fig. 13a- d).
 Carnivora - Miacidae
Miacinae indet.6 Cope 1880 carnivoran
 Ferae -
? Miacis sp.6 Cope 1872 placental
Creodonta or Carnivora
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Eotalpa anglica3 Sigé et al. 1977 mole
HZM 1.37259, talonid m1-2 dex
 Soricomorpha - Nyctitheriidae
Saturninia aff. mamertensis3 Sigé 1976 placental
HZM 11.34232 M1-2 dex. CL 0.96 CW 1.89 LLL 0.90 mm (Fig. 3a, b); HZM 1.31647 lingual lobe M1- 2 dex. LLL 0.96 mm; HZM 4.31754 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 0.90 mm; HZM 24.38134 lingual lobe M1-2, LLL 0.93 mm; HZM 20.38334 lingual lobe M1-2 dex LLLa-p 0.96 mm; HZM 22.37964 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 19.37529 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.80 mm; HZM 23.38025 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 16.34848 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 15.34652 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 22.38863 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.74 mm; HZM 23.38903 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.77 mm; HZM 18.36629 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm; HZM 18.37499 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.90 mm; HZM 21.37706 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 21.38616 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 17.35188 part trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 5.31829 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm; HZM 6.32004 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 7.32445 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.96 mm; HZM 8.32768 trigonid m1-3 sin. TRI W 1.09 mm (Fig. 4a, b); HZM 20.37639 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.99 mm; HZM 21.38616 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 14.34523 trigonid m1-3 dex. TRI W 0.99 mm; HZM 19.36945 talonid m1-2 sin. TAL W 0.90 mm; HZM 3.31796 talonid m1-2 sin. TAL W 0.90 mm (Fig. 4c, d); HZM 17.36399 talonid m3 sin. TAL W 0.80 mm.
Scraeva sp.6 Cray 1973 placental
Cryptotopos hartenbergeri3 placental
HZM 21.377813 P4 sin. CL 2.21+ CW 2.88 mm; HZM 18.37592 P4 sin. CL 1.73 (e) CW 1.47 mm; HZM 14.36526 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.15 mm; HZM 5.31025 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.28 mm; HZM 6.33938 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 1.28 mm (Fig. 5c, d); HZM 4.32468 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.18 mm; HZM 8.33763 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.22 mm; HZM 3.32060 lingual lobe M1-2 sin. LLL 1.15 mm; HZM 7.35326 lingual lobe M1-2 dex. LLL 1.15 mm (Fig. 5a, b); HZM 9.35825 part lingual lobe M1-2 sin; HZM 20.377812 part p4 dex. TAL W 0.77 mm; HZM 1.35405 p4 dex. CL 1.54 TRI W 0.80 TAL W 0.86 mm (Fig. 6a-c); HZM 10.35883 p4 dex. CL 1.60 TRI W 0.90 TAL W 0.80 mm (Fig. 6d-f); HZM 19.37768 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.83 mm; HZM 16.36846 trigonid p4 dex. TRI W 0.77 mm; HZM 13.36230 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.90 mm (Fig. 7a- c); HZM 15.36527 trigonid p4 sin. TRI W 0.80 mm; HZM 12.34463 trigonid ?p4 sin. TRI W 0.86 mm; HZM 12.38292 dp4 sin. CL 1.66 TRI W 0.77 TAL W 0.70 mm; HZM 13. 34483 trigonid m1-2 dex. TRI W 1.02 mm; HZM 2.33830 m3 sin. CL 1.22 TRI W 0.90 TAL W 0.64 mm (Fig. 6g-i).
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Amphiperatherium aff. goethei6 Crochet 1979 marsupial
Amphiperatherium fontense6 Crochet 1979 marsupial
 Teleostei -
Teleostei indet.5
palatal bones
 Characiformes -
 Teleostei -
? Siluriformes indet.5 catfish
dermal bones
Insecta indet.5 Linnaeus 1758 insect
two species, including "eggs"
 Sabellida - Serpulidae
cf. Ditrupa sp. Berkeley 1835
Bryozoa indet.5 Ehrenberg 1831
either ?Vincularia or Quadricellaria sp.
 Cyclostomata - Eleidae
 Cheilostomata -
"? Ascophora indet." = Ascophorina5
"? Ascophora indet." = Ascophorina5 Levinsen 1909
 Unionida - Unionidae
Unio brightoni n. sp.9 freshwater mussel
from the pit on the west side of the hill
 Lucinida - Lucinidae
cf. Lucina sp. Bruguière 1797 clam
 Stylommatophora - Achatinidae
 Stylommatophora - Milacidae
 Stylommatophora - Spiraxidae
Palaeoglandina costellata5 slug
originally reported in another ref (unknown which)
 Stylommatophora - Clausiliidae
Clausilia sp.7 Draparnaud 1805 slug
 Stylommatophora - Camaenidae
 Stylommatophora - Helicidae
Helix sp.7 Linnaeus 1758 slug
 Cerithioidea - Melanopsidae
Melanopsis sp. Férussac 1807 snail
 Mesogastropoda - Melaniidae
"? Melanidae indet." = Melaniidae
"? Melanidae indet." = Melaniidae Gray snail
 Neogastropoda - Volutidae
"Voluta geminata" = Athleta (Neoathleta) geminata7
"Voluta geminata" = Athleta (Neoathleta) geminata7 Edwards 1854 volute
 Sorbeoconcha - Pomatiasidae
Bembridgia cincta5 periwinkle
originally reported in another ref (unknown which)
 Architaenioglossa - Viviparidae
Paludina sp. Férussac 1812 snail
Viviparus angulosus5 snail
probably originally reported by Arkell 1947
cf. Viviparus sp.5 Montfort 1810 snail
probably originally reported by Arkell 1947
 Architaenioglossa - Cyclophoridae
Cyclotus sp.7 Guilding in Swainson 1840 snail
Cyclotus cinctus7 snail
may be "cinclus"
 Architaenioglossa - Diplommatinidae
"? Cyanophyta indet." = Cyanobacteria5
"? Cyanophyta indet." = Cyanobacteria5 Stanier 1973