Foulden maar (I43/f8503) (Miocene of New Zealand)

Also known as Foulden Hills

Where: New Zealand (45.5° S, 170.2° E: paleocoordinates 51.2° S, 177.1° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Foulden Hills Diatomite Formation, Aquitanian (23.0 - 20.4 Ma)

• The early Miocene (Aquitanian) age of deposition is constrained by palynology of the diatomite (uppermost Rhoipites waimumuensis Zone to lower early Proteacidites isopogiformis Zone (New Zealand local stages: late Waitakian-early Otaian) (Mildenhall et al. 2014), while the age of the maar-forming eruptions has been determined as latest Oligocene to earliest Miocene (23Ma) by 40Ar/39Ar dating of basalts (Lindqvist & Lee 2009).

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: crater lake; lithified diatomite

• "Gordon (1959a) thought this "Middlemarch diatomite" was deposited in a conventional tectonic basin formed by local faulting, but Coombs et al. (1986, p. 301) inferred that the basin is one of several short-lived explosive volcanic vents or maars in eastern and Central Otago, formed during an early phase of the Dunedin Volcanic Group volcanism." Bannister et al., 2005. "An approximately 1.5-km-diameter, 100–200-deep maar lake" Lindqvist & Lee, 2009
• "Collected from a finely varved, leaf- bearing diatomite…"Bannister et al., 2005

Size class: mesofossils

Preservation: adpression

Primary reference: A. C. Harris, J. M. Bannister, and D. E. Lee. 2007. Fossil scale insects (Hemiptera, Coccoidea, Diaspididae) in life position on an angiosperm leaf from an early Miocene lake deposit, Otago, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 37(1):1-13 [M. Clapham/J. Karr]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 50035: authorized by David Bottjer, entered by Matthew Clapham on 04.05.2005, edited by Jered Karr and Mark Uhen

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Polypodiales - Polypodiidae
Polypodiisporites radiatus7 Pocknall and Mildenhall 1984
Davallia walkeri7 Conran et al. 2010
 Asparagales - Asteliaceae
Astelia antiquua n. sp.18 Maciunas et al. 2011
 Asparagales - Orchidaceae
Earina fouldenensis n. sp.5 Conran et al. 2009 orchid
Dendrobium winikaphyllum n. sp.5 Conran et al. 2009 orchid
 Mesangiosperms - Liliaceae
Liliacidites contortus n. sp.4 Conran et al. 2014
 Liliales - Ripogonaceae
 Liliales - Alstroemeriaceae
Luzuriaga peterbannisteri n. sp.4 Conran et al. 2014
 Proteales - Proteaceae
Euproteaciphyllum pacificum n. sp.3 Carpenter et al. 2012
Euproteaciphyllum alloxylonoides n. sp.3 Carpenter et al. 2012
 Laurales - Lauraceae
Lauraceae "Parataxon 1"1 Jussieu 1789 laurel
Lauraceae "Parataxon 2"1 Jussieu 1789 laurel
Lauraceae "Parataxon 3"1 Jussieu 1789 laurel
Lauraceae indet.21 Jussieu 1789 laurel
Laurophyllum maarensis n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum lacustris n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum microphyllum n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum calicarioides n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum otagoensis n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum vulcanicola n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum taieriensis n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum sylvestris n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Laurophyllum longfordiensis n. sp.1 Holden 1982 laurel
Laurophyllum waipiata n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
Litseopsis novazelandiae n. sp.1 Bannister et al. 2012 laurel
 Laurales - Atherospermataceae
Laurelia otagoensis n. sp.6 Conran et al. 2013
 Primulales - Myrsinaceae
cf. Ardisia sp.21 Swartz 1788 coralberry
 Myrtales - Myrtaceae
Myrtaceae indet.21 de Jussieu 1789 myrtle
 Canellales - Winteraceae
? Winteraceae indet.21 Lindley 1830 magnoliids
 Oxalidales - Elaeocarpaceae
Elaeocarpaceae indet. de Candolle 1816
leaf that hosted Aspidiotinae
 Oxalidales - Cunoniaceae
 Malpighiales - Euphorbiaceae
Euphorbiaceae indet.21 Jussieu 1789 spurge
Macaranga or Mallotus
? Euphorbiaceae indet.21 Jussieu 1789 spurge
Euphorbiaceae "or Leguminosae"21 Jussieu 1789 spurge
Malloranga fouldenensis n. sp.17 Lee et al. 2010 spurge
Euphorbiotheca mallotoides n. sp.17 Lee et al. 2010 spurge
 Malvales - Sterculiaceae
 Sapindales - Rutaceae
Rutaceae "or Meliaceae"21 de Jussieu 1789 citrus
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
Sapindaceae indet.21 de Jussieu 1789 soapberry
 Coniferales - Podocarpaceae
Podocarpus travisiae n. sp.20 Pole 1993 podocarp
Nyssapollenites endobalteus17 Mildenhall and Pocknall 1989
 Galaxiiformes - Galaxiidae
Galaxias effusus n. sp.22 Lee 2007
Arachnida indet.23 Lamarck 1801
OU 45206
 Araneae -
Araneomorphae indet.23 Smith 1902 spider
OU 45209
Mygalomorphae indet.23 Pocock 1892 spider
OU 45207
 Araneae - Idiopidae
Idiopidae indet.23 Simon 1892 spider
OU 45208
 Hymenoptera - Formicidae
Formicidae "indet. A"10 Latreille 1802 ant
OU 44903
Formicidae "indet. B"10 Latreille 1802 ant
OU 44904
Formicidae "indet. C"10 Latreille 1802 ant
OU 44902
Rhytidoponera gibsoni n. sp.10 Kaulfuss and Dlussky 2016 ant
OU 44900
Rhytidoponera waipiata n. sp.10 Kaulfuss and Dlussky 2016 ant
OU 44899
Myrmecorhynchus novaeseelandiae n. sp.10 Kaulfuss and Dlussky 2016 ant
OU 44569
Austroponera schneideri n. sp.10 Kaulfuss and Dlussky 2016 ant
OU 44901
Amblyoponinae indet.10 Forel 1893 ant
OU 44898
Amblyoponini indet.12 Forel 1893 ant
OU 44553
 Diptera - Tipulidae
Tipulidae indet.14 Latreille 1802 crane fly
OU 44945
 Diptera - Limoniidae
Gynoplistia fouldensensis n. sp.19 Nel and Kaulfuss 2024 crane fly
OU 46615
 Diptera - Chironomidae
cf. Chironominae indet.2 Macquart 1838 non biting midge
OU 45549, 46608
cf. Chironomus "sp. 1"2 Meigen 1803 non biting midge
OU 45543, 45553, 46620, 46625, 46627, 46645, 46654, 47051, 47058 (pupae)
cf. Chironomus "sp. 2"2 Meigen 1803 non biting midge
OU 47488 (larva)
Tanypodinae indet.2 Skuse 1889 non biting midge
OU 44930, 44933, 45541, 46609, 46626, 46641
 Diptera - Chaoboridae
Chaoboridae indet.2 Edwards 1920 phantom midge
OU 46631, 46642, 46651, 46653, 47487
 Diptera -
? Brachycera indet.2 Zetterstedt 1842 fly
OU 44944, 44981, 44982, 44996, 45559, 46644, 46652, 4655
 Diptera - Empididae
Hilarempis otagoensis n. sp.15 Kaulfuss and Sinclair 2024 dagger fly
OU 47068
 Dicondylia -
Trichoptera indet.14 Kirby 1815 caddisfly
OU 45232
 Coleoptera - Hydrophilidae
Hydrophilidae indet.14 Latreille 1802 water scavenger beetle
OU 44554
 Coleoptera - Staphylinidae
Staphylininae indet.9 Latreille 1802 rove beetle
OU 45239
Sphingoquedius meto n. sp.9 Jenkins Shaw et al. 2020 rove beetle
OU 46635
Sagola sp.14 Sharp 1874 rove beetle
OU 44567
Nototorchus sp.14 McColl 1985 rove beetle
OU 44570
 Coleoptera - Curculionidae
Curculionidae indet.14 Latreille 1802 snout beetle
OU 44997
Curculioninae indet.14 Latreille 1802 snout beetle
OU 44778
 Coleoptera - Chrysomelidae
Chrysomelidae indet.14 Latreille 1802 leaf beetle
OU 44972
 Hemiptera - Coccidae
? Coccidae indet.14 soft scale
OU 44999
 Hemiptera - Diaspididae
Aspidiotinae indet. Ferris 1942 armoured scale insect
 Hemiptera - Tingidae
Tingidae indet.13 Laporte 1833 lace bug
OU 44987
 Hemiptera - Aradidae
Aneurus sp.16 Curtis 1925 flat bug
OU 44555; OU 44974 in Kaulfuss et al., 2015
 Blattodea -
Waipiatatermes matatoka n. gen. n. sp.8
Waipiatatermes matatoka n. gen. n. sp.8 Engel and Kaulfuss 2016 termite
OU 45555
 Blattodea - Kalotermitidae
Kalotermitidae indet.8 Froggatt 1897 termite
OU 44951
Pterotermopsis fouldenica n. gen. n. sp.8 Engel and Kaulfuss 2016 termite
OU 44989
Otagotermes novazealandicus n. gen. n. sp.8 Engel and Kaulfuss 2016 termite
OU 44976
Taieritermes krishnai n. gen. n. sp.8 Engel and Kaulfuss 2016 termite
OU 45540
 Blattodea - Stolotermitidae
Stolotermes kupe n. sp.11 Kaulfuss et al. 2010 termite
OU 44560