Where: Western Australia, Australia (32.1° S, 115.9° E: paleocoordinates 34.1° S, 114.8° E)
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Ascot Formation, Late/Upper Pliocene (3.6 - 2.6 Ma)
• STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS: Unconformably overlies Albian-Cenomanian Osborne Fm (Cockbain 1980). Minor transitional units (Balme 1980) separate the top of the Ascot Fm from both the Bassendean Sand and the Guildford Fm (Low 1971; Playford et al. 1976) THICKNESS: Approximately 20 m in figure well logs. AGE: Extended discussion of age in text (Kendrick et al., 1991), but generally regarded as Late Pliocene on the basis of molluscan and foraminiferal biostratigraphy, well-dated presumed correlatives and the age of bounding units. Correlated to Darragh's (1985) Molluscan Assemblage XVIII. STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION: From "younger" Ascot Formation, presumably lower in the stratigraphic succession, or encountered in shallow wells further down dip.
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: coastal; unlithified, brown, gray, yellow, calcareous sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: original aragonite, original calcite
Collection methods: quarrying,
• COLLECTOR: Faunal list is a composite of decades of collecting effort, including that reported by Darragh and Kendrick (1971), Kendrick (1981), Ponder (1985), and Kendrick unpublished data. REPOSITORY: Collection assembled from material reposited in Western Australian Museum (WAM).
Primary reference: G. W. Kendrick, K.-H. Wyrwoll, and B.J. Szabo. 1991. Pliocene-Pleistocene coastal events and history along the western margin of Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 10:419-439 [A. Miller/A. Hendy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 63353: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 11.08.2006
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Gastropoda | |
Nerita atramentosa Reeve 1855 snail | |
Haliotis cyclobates abalone | |
Clanculus (Isoclanculus) philippi top snail
Leiopyrga "sp. B" Adams 1863 top snail | |
Solariella (Spectamen) "sp. B" Wood 1842 snail | |
Turbo (Ninella) torquatus Gmelin 1791 snail | |
Alaba pagodula snail | |
Bittium icarus, "Semivertagus subcalvatus" = Clava (Semivertagus)
Bittium icarus cerith snail
"Semivertagus subcalvatus" = Clava (Semivertagus) cerith snail | |
Gazameda iredalei Finlay 1927 turret shell | |
Campanile symbolicum Iredale 1917 snail | |
Rissoina elegantula snail | |
Conus anemone cone shell | |
Bedeva paivae Crosse 1864 murex snail | |
Nannamoria strophodon volute | |
Belloliva nymphalis, "Oliva australis" = Oliva (Strephona) australis
Belloliva nymphalis olive snail
"Oliva australis" = Oliva (Strephona) australis Duclos 1835 olive snail | |
Sydaphera undulata snail | |
| |
Cassis (Hypocassis) fimbriata Quoy 1833 snail
Semicassis pyrum Lamarck 1822 snail | |
Tylospira sp. n. sp.
Tylospira sp. n. sp. Harris 1897 snail | |
Bembicium vittatum periwinkle | |
Natica gualteriana Récluz 1843 moon snail | |
Bivalvia | |
Nuculana (Scaeoleda) sp. n. sp. Iredale 1924 pointed nut clam
Nuculana (Scaeoleda) crassa pointed nut clam | |
Leionucula kalimnae nut clam | |
Carditidae indet. Fleming 1820 clam
Cardita crassicosta Lamarck 1819 clam | |
Tellina (Semelangulus) subdiluta, Tellina (Pseudarcopagia) victoriae, Tellina (Tellinella) sp., Strigilla sp., "Tellina (Pseudarcopagia) basedowi" = Macomona basedowi
Tellina (Semelangulus) subdiluta tellin clam
Tellina (Pseudarcopagia) victoriae Gatliff 1914 tellin clam
Tellina (Tellinella) sp. Mörch 1853 tellin clam
Strigilla sp. Turton 1822 tellin clam
"Tellina (Pseudarcopagia) basedowi" = Macomona basedowi Tate 1901 tellin clam | |
Hemidonax chapmani clam
Donax (Plebidonax) deltoides Lamarck 1818 clam | |
Chioneryx cardiodes, Tawera "sp. A", Tawera "sp. B", Katelysia scalarina, Katelysia rhytiphora, Anomalocardia sp. n. sp., Placamen placidum
Chioneryx cardiodes venus clam
Tawera "sp. A" Marwick 1927 venus clam
Tawera "sp. B" Marwick 1927 venus clam
Katelysia scalarina Lamarck 1818 venus clam
Katelysia rhytiphora Lamy 1937 venus clam
Anomalocardia sp. n. sp. Schumacher 1817 venus clam
Placamen placidum venus clam | |
Anapella cycladea Lamarck 1818 clam | |
Mactra "sp. B" Linnaeus 1767 clam
Zenatia (Zenatiopsis) sp. Darragh 1965 clam | |
Anodontia sphericula Basedow 1902 clam | |
Limopsis depressa clam | |
Glycymeris "sp. A" Da Costa 1778 clam
Glycymeris "sp. B" Da Costa 1778 clam | |
Arcopsis afra clam | |
"Arca ventricosa" = Lamarcka ventricosa
"Arca ventricosa" = Lamarcka ventricosa Lamarck 1819 clam | |
Pecten sp., "Chlamys (Equichlamys) bifrons" = Equichlamys bifrons
Pecten sp. Müller 1776 scallop
"Chlamys (Equichlamys) bifrons" = Equichlamys bifrons Lamarck 1819 scallop Subspecies: C. (E.). bifrons bifrons