Portland, Cumberland Co. - Presumpscot Fm (Pleistocene) (Pleistocene of the United States)

Also known as Maine Loc. 2

Where: Portland County, Maine (43.6° N, 70.3° W: paleocoordinates 43.6° N, 70.3° W)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Presumpscot Formation, Late/Upper Pleistocene (0.1 - 0.0 Ma)

• LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY: No lithostratigraphic unit reported in text. Bloom (1960) assigned the name "Presumpscot Fm" to the sheet of emerged marine sediments that blankets the coastal region of southwestern Maine. AGE: Wisconsin (Levitt and Perkins, 1935), Late Pleistocene (Bloom 1960), Pleistocene (Richards 1962).

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; unlithified mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments

• ENVIRONMENT: No specific environment provided in text for individual collection. Richards (1962) reports that collections were generally deposited in shallow marine settings, during sea level transgressions.
• SPECIFIC LITHOLOGY: No detailed lithologic data reported in text. Text talks of shell beds for Late Pleistocene deposits in Maine described by Packard (1865), Clapp (1907), and Levitt and Perkins (1935) LITHIFICATION: Assumed to be unlithified given age and figured specimens in Richards (1962).

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: COLLECTORS: Based on checklists of Dawson 1873, Clapp (1907), Bloom (1960). REPOSITORIES: Collections held in various museums, including YPM (Hendy, pers. comm.)

Primary reference: H. G. Richards. 1962. Studies on the marine Pleistocene: Part II. The marine Pleistocene mollusks of eastern North America. Transactions of the American Philosophocal Society 52(3):1-142 [A. Hendy/A. Hendy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 66338: authorized by Austin Hendy, entered by Austin Hendy on 08.10.2006

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• COVERAGE: Exhaustive for gastropoda, bivalvia, and polyplacophora. NOMENCLATURE: Not an authoratative publication, and somewhat antiquated. However, all occurrences include species-resolution assignments and list synonymies.
 Neogastropoda - Buccinidae
Buccinum sp.1 Linnaeus 1758 true whelk
Buccinum glaciale Linnaeus 1761 true whelk
Buccinum cyaneum Bruguière 1789 true whelk
Buccinum polare1 Gray 1839 true whelk
Neptunea despecta Linnaeus 1758 true whelk
Subspecies: N. despecta tornata
"Neptunea decemcostata" = Neptunea lyrata decemcostata Say 1826 true whelk
 Sorbeoconcha - Naticidae
"Polinices groenlandicus" = Euspira pallida, "Natica clausa" = Cryptonatica affinis
"Polinices groenlandicus" = Euspira pallida Broderip and Sowerby 1829 moon snail
"Natica clausa" = Cryptonatica affinis Gmelin 1791 moon snail
 Trochoidea - Turbinidae
Margarites striatus2 Leach 1819 snail
 Pectinida - Propeamussiidae
"Pecten groenlandica" = Similipecten greenlandicus
"Pecten groenlandica" = Similipecten greenlandicus Sowerby 1842 mud scallop
 Pectinida - Pectinoidae
"Chlamys islandicus" = Chlamys (Chlamys) islandica
"Chlamys islandicus" = Chlamys (Chlamys) islandica Müller 1776 scallop
 Mytilida - Mytilidae
Mytilus edulis Linnaeus 1758 mussel
 Carditida - Astartidae
"Astarte striata" = Astarte montagui, "Astarte banksii" = Astarte montagui, Astarte borealis, Astarte elliptica
"Astarte striata" = Astarte montagui Dillwyn 1817 clam
"Astarte banksii" = Astarte montagui Dillwyn 1817 clam
Astarte borealis Chemnitz 1784 clam
Astarte elliptica Brown 1827 clam
 Solenida - Pharidae
Ensis directus Conrad 1844 clam
 Hiatellida - Hiatellidae
Hiatella arctica Linnaeus 1767 clam
 Pholadida - Pholadidae
"Zirphaea crispata" = Zirfaea crispata
"Zirphaea crispata" = Zirfaea crispata Linnaeus 1758 clam
 Pholadida - Myidae
"Mya arenaria" = Mya (Arenomya) arenaria, "Mya truncata" = Mya (Mya) truncata
"Mya arenaria" = Mya (Arenomya) arenaria Linnaeus 1758 softshell clam
"Mya truncata" = Mya (Mya) truncata Linnaeus 1758 softshell clam
 Cardiida - Tellinidae
"Macoma calcarea" = Macoma (Macoma) calcarea
"Macoma calcarea" = Macoma (Macoma) calcarea Gmelin 1792 tellin clam
 Cardiida - Cardiidae
"Clinocardium ciliatum" = Clinocardium (Ciliatocardium) ciliatum, "Serripes groenlandicus" = Serripes (Serripes) groenlandicus, "Cerastoderma pinnulatum" = Goethemia pinnulata
"Clinocardium ciliatum" = Clinocardium (Ciliatocardium) ciliatum Fabricius 1780 cockle
"Serripes groenlandicus" = Serripes (Serripes) groenlandicus Mohr 1786 cockle
"Cerastoderma pinnulatum" = Goethemia pinnulata Conrad 1831 cockle
 Cardiida - Mactridae
"Mactra polynyma" = Mactromeris polynyma
"Mactra polynyma" = Mactromeris polynyma Stimpson 1860 clam
 Cardiida - Mesodesmatidae
Mesodesma arctatum Conrad 1831 clam
 Nuculanida - Yoldiidae
"Yoldia (Yoldiella) lenticula" = Yoldiella lenticula
"Yoldia (Yoldiella) lenticula" = Yoldiella lenticula Möller 1842 clam
 Nuculanida - Sareptidae
"Yoldia (Portlandia) glacialis" = Portlandia glacialis
"Yoldia (Portlandia) glacialis" = Portlandia glacialis Wood 1828 clam
 Nuculanida - Nuculanidae
"Nuculana tenuisulcata" = Nuculana (Nuculana) tenuisulcata, "Nuculana pernula" = Nuculana pernula, "Nuculana buccata" = Nuculana pernula, "Nuculana jacksoni" = Nuculana pernula
"Nuculana tenuisulcata" = Nuculana (Nuculana) tenuisulcata Couthouy 1838 pointed nut clam
"Nuculana pernula" = Nuculana pernula Müller 1779 pointed nut clam
"Nuculana buccata" = Nuculana pernula Müller 1779 pointed nut clam
"Nuculana jacksoni" = Nuculana pernula Müller 1779 pointed nut clam