Where: Germany (52.4° N, 9.3° E: paleocoordinates 43.4° N, 17.4° E)
• coordinate stated in text
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Late/Upper Berriasian to Late/Upper Berriasian (145.0 - 132.9 Ma)
• The paper distinguishes 5 stratigraphic units but provides a single taxon list.
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: offshore; poorly lithified, calcareous claystone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: cast, mold/impression
Collection methods: quarrying, surface (float), surface (in situ)
Primary reference: R. Fischer. 1992. Fossilien aus der Tongrube Sachsenhagen. Arbeitskereis Paläontologie Hannover 20(2):33-53 [L. Villier/L. Villier]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 95087: authorized by Loic Villier, entered by Loic Villier on 06.04.2010, edited by Jonathan Tennant, Philip Mannion, Matthew Clapham and William Gearty
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Crinoidea | |
Chladocrinus tenellus Sea lily | |
Ophiuroidea | |
Ophiuroidea indet. Gray 1840 brittle star | |
Asteroidea | |
Asteroidea indet. de Blainville 1830 sea star | |
Echinoidea | |
Rhabdocidaris sp. Desor 1855 pencil urchin | |
Reptilia | |
Enalioetes schroederi n. gen. n. sp.2
| |
Gastropoda | |
Ptychogyra canalifera pulmonate | |
Putilla ? roemeri snail | |
Natica laevigata moon snail | |
Cerithium sp. Bruguière 1789 cerith snail | |
Metacerithium sp. Cossmann 1906 snail | |
"Actaeon sp." = Acteon
"Actaeon sp." = Acteon Montfort 1810 snail | |
Cephalopoda | |
Nautilida indet.1 Agassiz 1847 | |
Acroteuthis cf. explanatoides belemnite | |
Polyptychites sp., "Euryptychites sp." = Polyptychites (Euryptychites), Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) heteropleurum, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) undulatum, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) coronatum, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) costellatum, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) simplex, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) denticulatum, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) fragile, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) pingue, Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) marcousianum, Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) robustum, Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) latum, Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) parcum, Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) oxyconum, Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) expansum
Polyptychites sp. Pavlow 1892 ammonite
"Euryptychites sp." = Polyptychites (Euryptychites) Pavlow 1914 ammonite
Platylenticeras (Platylenticeras) heteropleurum Neumayr and Uhlig 1881 ammonite
Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) pingue ammonite
Platylenticeras (Tolypeceras) marcousianum d'Orbigny 1850 ammonite | |
Bivalvia | |
Nippononaia sp. Suzuki 1941 clam | |
Astarte sp. Sowerby 1816 clam | |
"Cyclas sp." = Lucina (Cyclas)
"Cyclas sp." = Lucina (Cyclas) Klein 1853 clam | |
Solecurtus sp. Blainville 1824 clam | |
Tellina sp. Linnaeus 1758 tellin clam | |
Eocallista aff. brongniarti Romer 1836 clam | |
Neomiodon sp. clam | |
? Gresslya sp. Agassiz 1843 clam | |
"Corbula angulata" = Cuneocorbula angulata Lamarck 1806 clam
Corbula alata clam
Corbula sublaevis clam | |
Thracia phillipsi clam | |
Panopea gurgitis clam | |
Siliqua aequilatera clam | |
Modiolus rugosus mussel
Modiolus striatocostatus mussel
Modiolus sp. Lamarck 1801 mussel
Modiolus aequalis Sowerby 1818 mussel | |
Pteria vulgaris pearl oyster
Pteria sp. Scopoli 1777 pearl oyster | |
Aetostreon latissimum, "Exogyra spiralis" = Nanogyra (Nanogyra) nana
Aetostreon latissimum Lamarck 1801 oyster
"Exogyra spiralis" = Nanogyra (Nanogyra) nana Sowerby 1822 oyster | |
Ostrea sp. Linnaeus 1758 oyster
Ostrea germaini Coquand 1869 oyster | |
Pecten sp. Müller 1776 scallop
Camptonectes (Boreionectes) cinctus Sowerby 1822 scallop
Camptonectes striatopunctatus Roemer 1839 scallop | |
Buchia sp. Rouillier 1845 scallop | |
"Lima (Plagiostoma) planicosta" = Plagiostoma
"Lima (Plagiostoma) planicosta" = Plagiostoma file clam | |
Anomia sp. Linnaeus 1758 jingle
Anomia laevigata Sowerby 1836 jingle
Anomia pseudoradiata d'Orbigny 1850 jingle | |
Entolium orbiculare Sowerby 1817 scallop | |
Inoceramus sp. Sowerby 1814 clam | |
Cucullaea sp. Lamarck 1801 clam | |
Nucula sp. Lamarck 1799 nut clam | |
Nuculana scapha pointed nut clam | |
Lingulata | |
Lingula sp. Bruguiére 1797
Lingula subovalis Davidson 1852 | |
Sedentaria | |
Thecostraca | |
"Archaeolepas decora" = Loriolepas decora
"Archaeolepas decora" = Loriolepas decora Harbort 1905 barnacle | |
Malacostraca | |
Hoploparia aspera Harbort 1905 clawed lobster | |
Protastacus politus Schlüter 1868 decapod | |
Mecochirus rapax decapod | |
Deuteropoda | |
Ostracoda indet. Latreille 1802 ostracod | |
Chondrites sp. von Sternberg 1833 |