Bukobay V, Belyaevsky I (Triassic of Russian Federation)

Also known as Locality 30

Where: Orenburg, Russian Federation (51.4° N, 55.5° E: paleocoordinates 35.4° N, 41.0° E)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Berdyankian other zone, Bukobay Formation, Ladinian (242.0 - 237.0 Ma)

• Bukobay Gorizont is considered by Shishkin et al. (2000) to be Ladinian in age and approximately equivalent to the Lettenköhle of Germany; overlies the Donguz Gorizont

•Bukobay is the characteristic assemblage for the Berdyankian Land-Vertebrate Faunachron (LVF) (see Lucas 2010)

Environment/lithology: "channel"; fine-grained, gray, yellow sandstone

• "Tributary channel deposits"
• "yellow-grey, fine-grained sandstone"

Size class: macrofossils

Reposited in the PIN

• Collections also in Saratov State University

Primary reference: V. P. Tverdokhlebov, G. I. Tverdokhlebova, M. V. Surkov and M. J. Benton. 2003. Tetrapod localities from the Triassic of the SE of European Russia. Earth-Science Reviews 60(1-2):1-66 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/B. Allen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 97439: authorized by Richard Butler, entered by Richard Butler on 27.07.2010

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Diapsida - Erythrosuchidae
Chalishevia cothurnata Ochev 1980 archosauromorph
 Loricata - Rauisuchidae
Energosuchus garjainovi n. gen. n. sp.
Energosuchus garjainovi n. gen. n. sp. Ochev 1986 rauisuchid
PIN 4188/99 (formerly SGU 104/386), cervical vertebra (holotype). PIN 4188/100-122, vertebrae, humerus, radius and coracoid
 Diapsida - Prolacertidae
Malutinisuchus gratus n. gen. n. sp.
Malutinisuchus gratus n. gen. n. sp. Ochev 1986 archosauromorph
PIN 4188/125 (formerly SGU 104/401), cervical vertebra. PIN 4188/126, 127, 128, 129
 Synapsida -
Theriodontia indet. Owen 1876 therapsid
 Temnospondyli - Trematosauridae
Bukobaja sp. Ochev 1966 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli - Cyclotosauridae
? Cyclotosaurus sp. Fraas 1889 tetrapod
 Temnospondyli -
Mastodonsaurus torvus Konzhukova 1955 tetrapod
 Dipnoi - Ceratodontidae
Ceratodus orenburgensis Minikh 1977 lungfish
Ceratodus bucobaensis Minikh 1977 lungfish