Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Basiliolidae
Alternative combinations: Anomia bipartita, Hemithyris bipartita
Synonyms: Aphelesia acuta Meznerics 1943, Hemithyris acuta Meznerics 1943
Belongs to Aphelesia according to A. Giannetti et al. 2018
See also Bitner and Dulai 2004, Bitner and Martinell 2001, Bitner and Moissette 2003, Cooper 1959, Dulai 2016, Gaetani and Sacca 1985 and GarcĂa Ramos 2005
Sister taxa: Aphelesia margineplicata, Aphelesia plicatodentata, Aphelesia sanctapaulensis, Aphelesia supraoligocaenica, Aphelesia winebergeri
Subtaxa: Hemithyris bipartita pseudobipartita
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Quaternary of Italy (5 collections)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Italy (1)
• Pliocene of Algeria (7), Italy (2), Morocco (1), Spain (2)
• Miocene of Hungary (6), Malta (1), Spain (7)
Total: 32 collections each including a single occurrence
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