Bivalvia - Pholadomyida - Pholadomyidae
Alternative combinations: Allorisma similis, Vacunella similis
Synonyms: Allorisma ordis Lutkevitch and Lobanova 1960, Allorisma umbonata Lutkevitch and Lobanova 1960, Exochorhynchus ordis Lutkevitch and Lobanova 1960
Belongs to Exochorhynchus according to G. R. Shi and J.B. Waterhouse 1996
See also Astaf'yeva-Urbaytis 1981 and Muromtseva and Guskov 1984
Sister taxa: Exochorhynchus altirostratus, Exochorhynchus barringtoni, Exochorhynchus buriti, Exochorhynchus curtus, Exochorhynchus giganteus, Exochorhynchus itararensis, Exochorhynchus mongolensis, Exochorhynchus rectus
Ecology: facultatively mobile deep infaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Canada (8: Yukon collections), the Russian Federation (12)
Total: 20 collections each including a single occurrence
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