Megalichthys Agassiz 1835 (jawed fish)

Gnathostomata - Crossopterygii - Osteolepidae

Synonym: Centrodus M'Coy 1848

Full reference: L. Agassiz. 1835. Taxonomic names, in On the fresh-water limestone of Burdiehouse in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, belonging to the Carboniferous group of rocks. With supplementary notes on other fresh-water limestones. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 13:169-282

Parent taxon: Osteolepidae according to C. R. Eastman 1903

See also Borgen and Nakrem 2016, Downs and Daeschler 2020, Hay 1902, Heintz 1934, White and Moy-Thomas 1940 and Woodward 1891

Sister taxa: Diplopterus, Parabatrachus

Subtaxa: Centrodus striatulus Megalichthys coccolepis Megalichthys hibberti Megalichthys intermedius Megalichthys laevis Megalichthys laticeps Megalichthys macropoma Megalichthys maxillaris Megalichthys mullisoni Megalichthys nitens Megalichthys priscus Megalichthys pygmaeus Megalichthys rugosus

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• Permian of Norway (1 collection)

• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (8)

• Devonian of United States (1: Pennsylvania)

Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence

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