Revalotrypa gibbosa Bassler 1911

Stenolaemata - Esthonioporata - Revalotrypidae

Alternative combination: Nicholsonella gibbosa

Full reference: R. S. Bassler. 1911. The early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 77:1-375

Belongs to Revalotrypa according to A. Ernst et al. 2015

See also Koromyslova 2011

Sister taxa: Revalotrypa arborea, Revalotrypa duplex, Revalotrypa eugeniae, Revalotrypa honguedensis, Revalotrypa huoi, Revalotrypa inopinata, Revalotrypa krestensis, Revalotrypa maculosa, Revalotrypa papillaris, Revalotrypa ramosa, Revalotrypa rotundicellularis, Revalotrypa yugaensis


• Volkhov of Estonia (1 collection), the Russian Federation (1)

• Ordovician of Estonia (3), the Russian Federation (3)

Total: 8 collections each including a single occurrence

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