Stenolaemata - Trepostomida - Stenoporidae
Full reference: W. Waagen and J. Wentzel. 1886. Productus Limestone Fossils, Part VI. Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 1(6):835-924
Parent taxon: Amplexoporina according to A.V. Koromyslova 2011
See also Bassler 1953, Gilmour and Snyder 2000 and Wyse Jackson 1996
Sister taxa: Amplexoporidae, Atactotoechidae, Dyscritellidae, Eridotrypellidae, Monticuliporidae, Nicholsonella, Stellatotrypa
Subtaxa: Amphiporella Amplexoporinae Anisotrypa Arcticopora Calacanthopora Callocladia Chondraulus Coeloclemis Diaphragmopora Diplostenopora Dyoidophragma Dyscritellopsis Eostenopora Leeporina Metastenodiscus Microcampylus Nikiforopora Nipponostenoporinae Parastenodiscus Rhombotrypella Stenocladia Stenodiscus Stenophragmidium Stenoporinae Stereotoechus Tabulipora Tabuliporella Trachytoechus
Type: Stenopora
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Triassic of Canada (7: Nunavut collections), China (2), Hungary (1), Iran (1), Italy (2), Japan (3), New Caledonia (21), New Zealand (10), Norway (8), the Russian Federation (6), Tajikistan (1), United States (1: Nevada)
• Permian of Afghanistan (7), Australia (161), Austria (2), Bolivia (25), Canada (12: Nunavut), China (45), Germany (2), Greenland (3), India (8), Indonesia (2), Iran (24), Italy (1), Japan (2), Lithuania (2), Mongolia (2), New Zealand (1), Norway (2), Oman (1), Pakistan (7), Peru (11), the Russian Federation (91), Slovenia (2), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (37), Tajikistan (2), Thailand (2), Tunisia (2), the United Kingdom (6), United States (114: Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington, Wyoming)
• Carboniferous of Antarctica (1), Australia (2), Bolivia (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), China (5), Egypt (4), France (1), Germany (2), Ireland (1), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (3), Mexico (1), Mongolia (1), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (9), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (4), the United Kingdom (8), United States (105: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia)
• Devonian of Belarus (1), Belgium (2), the Czech Republic (1), Germany (13), Iran (2), Morocco (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (1), Spain (3), Ukraine (1), United States (8: Michigan, Missouri, Montana, New York, Ohio)
• Silurian of Belarus (4), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (3)
• Chazyan of United States (2: New York)
• Ordovician of the United Kingdom (2)
Total: 838 collections including 1059 occurrences