Cephalopoda - Nautilida - Trigonoceratidae
Full reference: M. Gordon. 1964. Carboniferous Cephalopods of Arkansas. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 460:1-322
Belongs to Aphelaeceras according to S. Niko and R. H. Mapes 2007
See also Gordon 1964
Sister taxa: Aphelaeceras falciferum, Aphelaeceras nayongense
Type specimen: USNM 119700, a shell. Its type locality is USGS 8871, ridge between Tyler and Possum Creeks, which is in an Arnsbergian marine limestone in the Imo Formation of Arkansas.
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 50.0
• Carboniferous of United States (4: Arkansas collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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