Strophomenata - Productida - Echinoconchidae
Alternative combinations: Productus nevadensis, Pustula nevadensis
Synonyms: Productus montpelierensis Girty 1910, Pustula montpelierensis Girty 1910, Waagenoconcha montpelierensis Girty 1910
Full reference: F. B. Meek. 1877. Part I. Palaeontology. Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel 4:1-197
Belongs to Bathymyonia according to M. A. Torres-MartÃnez et al. 2019
See also Branson 1930, Cooper 1953, Cooper and Grant 1975, Lee and Gu 1980, Logan and McGugan 1968, McKee 1938, Meek 1877, Wardlaw 1977 and Yancey 1978
Sister taxa: Bathymyonia adzvensis, Bathymyonia barabaschensis, Bathymyonia elongata, Bathymyonia ussurica
Type specimens:
- Bathymyonia nevadensis: USNM 668. Its type locality is West side of Buell Valley, which is in a Guadalupian carbonate limestone in Nevada.
- Productus montpelierensis: Its type locality is USGS 3511, Cap Rock Mine, Montpelier Canyon, Bear Lake County, which is in a Roadian carbonate limestone in the Phosphoria Formation of Idaho.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Canada (1: British Columbia collection), China (1), Mexico (16), the Russian Federation (3), United States (84: California, Idaho, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
• Carboniferous of United States (1: Texas)
Total: 106 collections including 107 occurrences
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