†family Neocomitidae Salfeld 1921

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Neocomitidae

Alternative spelling: Neocomitinae

Parent taxon: Perisphinctoidea according to C. Frau and M. Fuhr 2023

See also Aguirre-Urreta and Rawson 2001, Alsen 2006, Alsen and Rawson 2005, Arkadiev et al. 2000, Bulot et al. 2014, Frau et al. 2016, Frau et al. 2016, Garrido et al. 2018, González-Arreola et al. 2017, Kennedy and Klinger 1990, Klein 2005, Klinger and Kennedy 1979, Lukeneder 2004, Matsumoto and Skwarko 1993, Psczólkowski and Myczyñski 2004, Reboulet 1996, Salazar and Stinnesbeck 2016, Sey and Kalacheva 1999, Vasicek 2002, Vašíček et al. 2023, Vašíček and Skupien 2016, Wright 1952 and Zell et al. 2015

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Arpavoniceras Berriasellinae Busnardoiceras Decliveites Elenaella Endemoceratinae Hatchericeras Neocomitinae Platylenticeratinae Pseudargentiniceras Pseudoneocomites

View classification

Type: Neocomites


• Cretaceous of Antarctica (3 collections), Argentina (80), Austria (8), Canada (1: British Columbia), Cape Verde (1), Chile (27), China (1), Colombia (18), the Czech Republic (15), France (325), Georgia (3), Germany (1), Greenland (9), Hungary (33), India (5), Iran (6), Iraq (5), Italy (41), Mexico (55), Morocco (91), Papua New Guinea (1), Poland (18), Portugal (7), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (13), Serbia and Montenegro (7), Slovakia (7), South Africa (3), Spain (81), Tunisia (12), Ukraine (24), United States (42: California, Oregon, Texas), Western Sahara (1), Yemen (17)

• Heterian of New Zealand (1)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1), Chile (7), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (1), United States (2: California, Oregon)

• Jurassic of Antarctica (5), Argentina (5), Chile (5), Colombia (3), Cuba (7), Ethiopia (1), France (6), India (9), Iraq (3), Mexico (44), Nepal (1), Peru (9), United States (8: California), Yemen (2)

Total: 1085 collections including 2552 occurrences

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