Rhynchonellata - Spiriferida - Ingelarellidae
Alternative combinations: Spirifer duodecemcostatus, Spirifer duodecimcostatus, Spirifera duodecimcostata, Spiriferina duodecimcostata
Full reference: F. M'Coy. 1847. XXI. On the fossil botany and zoology of the rocks associated with the coal of Australia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 20(133):226-236
Belongs to Glendonia according to M. J. Clarke 1987
See also Armstrong 1968, Clarke 1973, Dana 1849, Dickins et al. 1969, Etheridge 1894, M'Coy 1847, McClung and Armstrong 1978, Reed 1932 and Waterhouse 1983
Sister taxa: Glendonia exigua, Glendonia ulladullensis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Muree (W.B. Clarke coll), which is in a Wordian marine siliciclastic in the Muree Formation of Australia.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (30 collections), India (1)
Total: 31 collections each including a single occurrence
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