Strophomenata - Productida - Linoproductidae
Alternative combination: Productus elongatus
Full reference: R. Etheridge Jr. and W. S. Dun. 1909. Notes on the Permo-Carboniferous Producti of eastern Australia, with synonymy. Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales 8:293-304
Belongs to Terrakea according to D. J. C. Briggs 1998
See also Dear 1971, Etheridge and Dun 1909, Laseron 1910 and Waterhouse 1964
Sister taxa: Terrakea arctica, Terrakea arguta, Terrakea borealis, Terrakea brachythaera, Terrakea dickinsi, Terrakea echinata, Terrakea etheridgei, Terrakea exmoorensis, Terrakea grandis, Terrakea hemisphaeroidalis, Terrakea japonica, Terrakea korkodonensis, Terrakea minima, Terrakea nabekoshiyamensis, Terrakea nalivkini, Terrakea pollex, Terrakea quadrata, Terrakea rylstonensis, Terrakea vernacula, Terrakea yanagidai, Saetosina multispinosa
Type specimen: AM F35475
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (54 collections), New Zealand (1)
Total: 55 collections each including a single occurrence
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