Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Pseudodielasmatidae
Full reference: K. S. W. Campbell. 1965. Australian Permian terebratuloids. Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics Bulletin 68:3-146
Belongs to Marinurnula according to J. B. Waterhouse 1987
See also Campbell 1965, Waterhouse 1982 and Waterhouse 1983
Sister taxa: Marinurnula bajkurica, Marinurnula chivatschense, Marinurnula prima, Marinurnula rugulata, Marinurnula timanicum
Type specimen: UQ F25686. Its type locality is Tanderra (Nardoo) homestead, which is in a Wuchiapingian marine siliciclastic in the Peawaddy Formation of Australia.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (19 collections), New Zealand (1), the Russian Federation (2)
Total: 22 collections each including a single occurrence
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