†Nathorstites Boehm 1903 (ceratite)
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Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Nathorstitidae
Synonym: Paraindigirites Popov 1946
Parent taxon: Nathorstitidae according to A. S. Dagys and A. G. Konstantinov 1997
See also Sepkoski 2002, Spath 1951, Tozer 1981 and Tozer 1994
Sister taxa: Indigirites, Metasphingites, Stolleyites
Subtaxa: Nathorstites alaskanus Nathorstites lindstroemi Nathorstites macconnelli Nathorstites maclearni Nathorstites sublenticularis
Type: Popanoceras mcconnelli
Ecology: nektonic carnivore
• Triassic of Canada (39: British Columbia, Nunavut collections), Greenland (1), the Russian Federation (21), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (16), United States (1: Alaska)
Total: 78 collections including 93 occurrences
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