Prodentalium canna White 1874 (tusk shell)

Scaphopoda - Dentaliida - Prodentaliidae

Alternative combinations: Dentalium canna, Plagioglypta canna

Synonyms: Dentalium mexicanum Girty 1909, Plagioglypta monolineata Branson 1930, Prodentalium mexicanum Girty 1909

Full reference: C. A. White. 1874. Preliminary report upon invertebrate fossils collected by the expeditions of 1871, 1872, and 1873. Geographical and Geological Exploration and Surveys west of the 100th Meridian, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office 1-27

Belongs to Prodentalium according to T. E. Yancey 1978

See also Branson 1930, Chronic 1952, Clifton 1942, Cooper 1953, Girty 1910, Mayou 1967, Walter 1953, White 1874, Winters 1963 and Yancey 1973

Sister taxa: Prodentalium akasakensis, Prodentalium belcheri, Prodentalium neornatum, Prodentalium onoi, Prodentalium raymondi, Prodentalium semicostatum, Prodentalium sublaeve

Ecology: slow-moving semi-infaunal deposit feeder

Average measurements (in mm): shell diameter 7.19


• Permian of Canada (1: Alberta collection), Mexico (4), United States (59: Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 64 collections each including a single occurrence

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