Anthozoa - Stauriida - Polycoeliidae
Alternative combinations: Coralliolites columnaris, Geinitzella columnaris
Synonyms: Astrocyathus geinitzi Ludwig 1866, Calophyllum profundum Germar 1842, Caryophillia quadrifida Howse 1848, Cyathaxonia herbsti Ludwig 1869, Cyathophyllum plarrei Eisel 1900, Cyathophyllum profundum Germar 1842, Petraia profunda Germar 1842, Tetraphyllum profundum Ludwig 1865, Zaphrentis callosa Ludwig 1869
Full reference: E. F. von Schlotheim. 1813. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen in geognostischer Hinsicht. Taschenbuch für die gesammte Mineralogie, mit Hinsicht auf die neuesten Entdeckungen, herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Caesar Leonhard 7(1):3-134
Belongs to Calophyllum according to E. Chwieduk 2007
See also Fedorowski and Bamber 2001, Geinitz 1861, Germar 1842, Howse 1848, King 1850, Ludwig 1865, Ludwig 1866, Ludwig 1869, Riedel 1917, Tschernyschew and Stepanow 1916, von Schlotheim 1813 and Weyer 1984
Sister taxa: Calophyllum (Groenlandophyllum), Calophyllum angustum, Calophyllum baytuganense, Calophyllum calaba, Calophyllum crassimurale, Calophyllum cylindrica, Calophyllum inophyllum, Calophyllum lhazeensis, Calophyllum longiseptata, Calophyllum micron, Calophyllum permica, Calophyllum punctata, Calophyllum quadrifidum, Calophyllum rhopalotum, Polycoelia dobrolyubovae, Pycnocoelia flabelliformis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2 collections), Canada (3: Nunavut), Germany (10), Greenland (1), Iran (2), Pakistan (3), the Russian Federation (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), the United Kingdom (3)
Total: 26 collections including 27 occurrences
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