Choneziphius planirostris Cuvier 1824

Mammalia - Cetacea - Ziphiidae

Alternative combinations: Chonoziphius planirostris, Ziphius planirostris

Synonyms: Choneziphius packardi Lankester 1870, Choneziphius planirostris cuvieri Owen 1870, Choneziphius planus Owen 1870, Ziphius cuvieri Owen 1870, Ziphius planus Owen 1870

Full reference: G. Cuvier. 1824. Recherches sur les ossements fossiles 5(1):1-352

Belongs to Choneziphius according to B. Ramassamy 2016

See also Abel 1905, Bronn 1853, Capellini 1885, Capellini 1911, Cuvier 1824, Duvernoy 1851, Gervais 1859, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Huxley 1864, Lambert 2005, Lankester 1870, Lydekker 1887, Lydekker 1887, Meyer 1832, Newton 1891, Owen 1870, Pictet 1853, Pilleri 1985, Pilleri 1987, Post and Jensen 2013, Scott 1873, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, Uhen et al. 2008, Van Beneden and Gervais 1880, Van Deinse 1935 and Vanden Broeck 1874

Sister taxa: Choneziphius chonops, Choneziphius leidyi, Choneziphius liops, Choneziphius macrops, Choneziphius trachops

Type specimens:

  • Choneziphius planirostris: lectotype = MNHN CLB 22, a partial skull. Its type locality is Choneziphius planirostris type locality, which is in a Serravallian/Tortonian marine horizon in Belgium.
  • Choneziphius packardi: Its type locality is Felixstow, which is in a Gelasian foreshore horizon in the Red Crag Formation of the United Kingdom.
  • Ziphius cuvieri: Its type locality is Anvers, which is in a Miocene/Pliocene marine horizon in Belgium.
  • Ziphius planus: Its type locality is Shotley, which is in a Piacenzian foreshore horizon in the Red Crag Formation of the United Kingdom.


• Quaternary of the United Kingdom (1 collection)

• Pliocene of Belgium (1), France (1), the United Kingdom (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Belgium (1), the Netherlands (1)

• Miocene of Belgium (3), the Netherlands (1), North Atlantic (1)

Total: 11 collections including 13 occurrences

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