Agaricia dominicensis Vaughan 1919 (stony coral)

Anthozoa - Scleractinia - Agariciidae

Full reference: T. W. Vaughan. 1919. Fossil corals from central America, Cuba, and Porto Rico, with an account of the American Tertiary, Pleistocene, and Recent coral reefs. Smithsonian Institution Bulletin 103:189-524

Belongs to Agaricia according to P. H. De Buisonjé 1974

See also Vaughan 1919

Sister taxa: Agaricia agaricites, Agaricia batalleri, Agaricia boletiformis, Agaricia convexa, Agaricia elegans, Agaricia fragilis, Agaricia graciosa, Agaricia grahamae, Agaricia lamarcki, Agaricia ramulosa, Agaricia sommeringii, Agaricia sulcata, Agaricia tuberosa, Agaricia undata

Type specimen: Its type locality is USGS 7778 Rio Gurabo, which is in a Pliocene marine horizon in the Dominican Republic

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal microcarnivore-photosymbiotic


• Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (2 collections), Haiti (2), United States (1: Florida)

• Miocene to Pliocene of the Netherlands Antilles (3)

• Miocene of Cuba (1), the Dominican Republic (1)

Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence

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