Bivalvia - Cardiida - Veneridae
Alternative spelling: Corbis (Gafrarium)
Parent taxon: Circinae according to H. E. Vokes 1980
See also Bouchet et al. 2010, Heilprin 1879, Lamprell and Whitehead 1992 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Gouldia, Gouldiina, Circe
Subtaxa: Gafrarium australe Gafrarium divaricatum Gafrarium harteae Gafrarium jucunda Gafrarium pectinatum Gafrarium transversarium Gafrarium tumidum
• Quaternary of Australia (3 collections), Egypt (1), Eritrea (1), French Polynesia (1), Iran (1), Japan (2), Mayotte (1), Mozambique (1), Nauru (1), Pakistan (1), Saudi Arabia (2), South Africa (1), Sudan (1), Taiwan (1), Tanzania (1), Yemen (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Malaysia (4)
• Pliocene of Pakistan (1)
• Miocene of Australia (1), Bulgaria (1), Indonesia (1)
• Paleocene of Poland (2)
Total: 30 collections including 32 occurrences
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