Camenella kozlowskii Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966 (lamp shell)

Brachiopoda - Tommotiida - Tommotiidae

Alternative combinations: Camena kozlowskii, Tommotia kozlowskae, Tommotia kozlowskii

Full reference: A.Y. Rozanov and V.V. Missarzhevsky. 1966. Biostratigraphy and fauna of Lower Cambrian beds. Trudy Geoligske Institut Moscow 148:1-126

Belongs to Camenella according to S. Bengtson 1986

See also Bengtson 1970, Brasier and Hewitt 1978, Kouchinsky et al. 2017, Missarzhevsky 1970, Rozanov and Missarzhevsky 1966 and Sokolov et al. 1974

Sister taxa: Camenella admiranda, Camenella baltica, Camenella garbowskae, Camenella korolevi, Camenella parilobata, Camenella reticulosa

Type specimen: GIN 3470/77 (mitral sclerite)

Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cambrian of the Russian Federation (21 collections), the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 22 collections each including a single occurrence

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