†family Pinideliidae Storozhenko 1997 (winged insect)
Insecta - Cnemidolestodea - Pinideliidae
Full reference: S. Y. Storozhenko. 1997. Classification of the Order Grylloblattida (Insecta), with description of new taxa. Far Eastern Entomologist 42:1-20
Parent taxon: Parmapterina according to D. S. Aristov 2016
See also Aristov 2009, Aristov 2015, BĂ©thoux et al. 2005, Storozhenko 1997 and Storozhenko 1998
Sister taxa: Necrophasmidae, Parmapteridae, Protembiidae
Subtaxa: Idelopterum Kishertia Pinidelia
Type: Pinidelia
• Permian of the Russian Federation (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence