Clade Pteromolgaei Ritgen 1828

Full reference: F. A. Ritgen. 1828. Versuch einer natürlichen Eintheilung der Amphibien [Attempt of a natural division of the amphibians]. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher 14:247-284

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: none


• Quaternary of Algeria (1 collection), Antigua and Barbuda (3), Argentina (5), Australia (18), the Bahamas (4), Barbados (1), Canada (2: British Columbia, Saskatchewan), Cayman Islands (3), China (1), Cuba (5), Djibouti (1), Ecuador (1), Egypt (1), Fiji (1), France (2), Greece (8), Greenland (8), Haiti (1), India (1), Indonesia (1), Iran (1), Italy (4), Jamaica (2), Japan (3), Maldives (2), Martinique (1), Mayotte (1), Morocco (2), the Netherlands (1), New Zealand (1), Pakistan (2), Panama (3), the Philippines (2), Portugal (2), Romania (3), the Russian Federation (1), Saint Lucia (1), the Seychelles (1), Spain (2), Sudan (1), Tanzania (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (94: Alaska, California, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia), Vanuatu (1), Venezuela (2)

• Mangapanian of New Zealand (1)

• Blancan of United States (1: California)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of China (1), France (1), Mexico (1), the Netherlands Antilles (1), Spain (1), United States (2: Florida)

• Pliocene of Argentina (6), Australia (1), Belgium (2), China (2), Colombia (5), Costa Rica (1), the Dominican Republic (2), Ecuador (2), Fiji (3), France (1), Greece (2), Haiti (1), Hungary (3), India (1), Indonesia (4), Italy (2), Jamaica (3), Japan (3), New Zealand (5), Pakistan (3), Panama (3), the Philippines (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (3), South Africa (1), Spain (6), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Turkey (1), Uganda (3), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (23: California, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia), Venezuela (6)

• Huayquerian of Argentina (1)

• Hemphillian of United States (2: California, Kansas)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Greece (2), Japan (2), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), South Africa (1), Uganda (3)

• Neogene of Taiwan (1)

• Miocene of Algeria (1), Argentina (9), Australia (10), Austria (1), Brazil (5), Chile (3), Colombia (1), Costa Rica (1), Croatia (2), the Dominican Republic (1), Fiji (1), France (4), Germany (7), Greece (5), India (1), Indonesia (4), Italy (9), Jamaica (1), Japan (4), Kazakhstan (2), Kenya (1), Mexico (1), New Zealand (10), Northern Mariana Islands (2), Pakistan (10), Panama (22), the Philippines (1), Poland (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (8), Slovakia (1), South Africa (1), Switzerland (6), Thailand (1), Trinidad and Tobago (2), Turkey (1), Uganda (1), United States (21: California, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia), Venezuela (13)

• Arikareean of United States (1: Montana)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Argentina (4), Australia (1), United States (1: Florida), Venezuela (1)

• Oligocene of Argentina (2), Bulgaria (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), Denmark (1), France (3), Germany (1), Hungary (1), New Zealand (2), Pakistan (1), Spain (2), Switzerland (1), United States (16: Mississippi, South Dakota, Texas, Washington)

• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (2)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1)

• Eocene of Antarctica (11), Argentina (3), Australia (1), Belgium (2), Bulgaria (2), Canada (1: British Columbia), China (2), France (11), Germany (1), Hungary (2), India (1), Italy (1), Libya (2), Mexico (2), Namibia (1), Nigeria (1), Pakistan (1), Peru (2), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (1), Ukraine (3), the United Kingdom (13), United States (110: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Wyoming), Venezuela (58)

• Paleocene to Eocene of United States (1: Virginia)

• Tertiary of United States (1: Tennessee)

• Paleocene of Argentina (14), Austria (2), Canada (16: Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan), China (1), Denmark (1), Egypt (28), Mali (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (2), Slovenia (2), Tunisia (21), the United Kingdom (2), United States (45: Alabama, California, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota, Virginia), Venezuela (1)

• Paleogene of Chile (1)

• Cretaceous to Neogene of China (1)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (13), Argentina (14), Australia (7), Austria (15), Belgium (1), Brazil (35), Bulgaria (1), Canada (16: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan), Chile (1), China (1), Colombia (3), Croatia (1), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (9), Ecuador (1), Egypt (12), France (28), Georgia (1), Germany (1), Hungary (1), India (2), Iran (2), Iraq (1), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), Japan (2), Lebanon (1), Madagascar (2), Mexico (6), Poland (1), Portugal (4), Romania (8), the Russian Federation (4), Slovenia (2), South Africa (1), South Sudan (2), Spain (2), Sudan (7), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Switzerland (1), Tunisia (5), the United Kingdom (29), United States (214: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (2), Venezuela (1), Yemen (1)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Canada (1: British Columbia), Egypt (1)

• Jurassic of Algeria (16), Antarctica (2), Argentina (13), Austria (4), China (1), Croatia (1), Cuba (2), France (11), Germany (11), Hungary (2), Italy (2), Portugal (4), Romania (2), the Russian Federation (5), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (2), Somalia (1), South Africa (2), Spain (15), Tajikistan (1), the United Kingdom (17), Yemen (1)

• Triassic to Jurassic of the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic of Antarctica (3), Austria (7), Canada (5: British Columbia), China (1), Germany (2), Greece (1), Greenland (1), Hungary (1), India (3), Indonesia (2), Iran (1), Israel (20), Italy (24), Japan (1), Malaysia (1), Oman (2), Poland (3), the Russian Federation (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (2), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), Switzerland (1), Turkey (4), United States (11: Alaska, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah)

• Permian of Australia (3), Azerbaijan (3), Cambodia (1), China (11), Germany (4), Greece (1), Greenland (1), Japan (1), Mongolia (1), Pakistan (1), Poland (40), the Russian Federation (3), Tanzania (1), United States (10: New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)

• Carboniferous to Permian of United States (1: Utah)

• Carboniferous of Argentina (3), Belgium (1), Canada (6: Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut), Chile (1), France (1), Germany (2), Ireland (1), Morocco (1), Peru (1), the Russian Federation (1), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), the United Kingdom (5), United States (25: Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)

• Givetian of the United Kingdom (3)

• Devonian of Australia (10), Austria (2), Belgium (3), Brazil (1), Canada (14: Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec), China (12), Colombia (2), the Czech Republic (14), Estonia (4), France (1), Germany (5), Greenland (1), Latvia (2), Morocco (5), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (5), Saudi Arabia (1), Spain (2), Tajikistan (4), the United Kingdom (23), United States (100: Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia), Uzbekistan (1), Vietnam (1)

• Jaani of Estonia (1), Lithuania (1)

• Silurian of Australia (1), Canada (41: Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (1), the Czech Republic (1), Lithuania (4), New Zealand (1), the Russian Federation (5), Sweden (10), the United Kingdom (15), United States (5: Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin)

• Dobrotivian of the Czech Republic (1), Portugal (1), Spain (1)

• Chazyan of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), United States (9: New York)

• Whiterockian of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), United States (2: California)

• Arenig of China (5), Greenland (1), Spain (1)

• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (2: Québec), United States (1: California)

• Ordovician of Canada (26: British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (5), the Czech Republic (1), Estonia (6), Ireland (2), Kazakhstan (1), Norway (3), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (37), Spain (4), Sweden (5), the United Kingdom (8), United States (62: Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Wyoming)

• Cressagian of Kazakhstan (1)

• Tremadoc of Canada (2: New Brunswick, Northwest Territories), Spain (3)

• Amgan of the Russian Federation (3)

• Solvan of Australia (1), the Russian Federation (4)

• Delamaran of United States (1: California)

• Cambrian of Australia (1), Canada (3: Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia), China (19), Finland (1), France (1), Greenland (6), India (4), Kazakhstan (1), Norway (3), the Russian Federation (2), Senegal (1), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (5: Alaska, Nevada, New York, Utah)

• Ediacaran of Estonia (1), Greenland (2), Mongolia (1), Namibia (2), the Russian Federation (8), United States (1: North Carolina)

• Calymmian of United States (1: Montana)

• Mesoproterozoic of Canada (1: Nunavut)

• Orosirian of Canada (1: Nunavut)

Total: 2315 collections including 2870 occurrences

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