†Cladochoristella bryani Riek 1955 (caddisfly)
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Insecta - Trichoptera - Cladochoristidae
Full reference: E. F. Riek. 1955. Fossil insects from the Triassic beds at Mt. Crosby, Queensland. Australian Journal of Zoology 3(4):654-691
Belongs to Cladochoristella according to E. F. Riek 1955
Sister taxa: Cladochoristella ryzhkovae, Cladochoristella sola
Type specimen: University of Queensland Department of Geology C1746, C1745, a forewing. Its type locality is Mount Crosby Insect Bed (UQ collection), which is in a Norian pond shale in Australia.
Distribution: found only at Mount Crosby Insect Bed (UQ collection)
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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