Solenomorpha elegantissima Hayasaka 1925 (clam)

Bivalvia - Solenida - Solenomorphidae

Alternative combination: Alula elegantissima

Full reference: I. Hayasaka. 1925. On some Paleozoic molluscs of Japan. 1. Lamellibranchiata and Scaphopoda. Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. 2nd series, Geology 8(2):1-29

Belongs to Solenomorpha according to I. Hayasaka 1925

See also Hayami and Kase 1977

Sister taxa: Solenomorpha gardneri, Solenomorpha gladius, Solenomorpha kogimica, Solenomorpha lamborni, Solenomorpha nitida, Solenomorpha parvula, Solenomorpha siliqua

Type specimen: Its type locality is Kinshozan, Kuro zone, Akasaka, Gifu Prefecture, which is in a Capitanian carbonate limestone in the Akasaka Formation of Japan

Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Kinshozan, Kuro zone, Akasaka, Gifu Prefecture

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