Insecta - Hemiptera - Dunstaniidae
Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1916. Descriptions of the fossil Insects; Mesozoic and Tertiary Insects of Queensland and New South Wales. Descriptions of the fossil Insects and stratigraphical features. Queensland Geological Survey (253)11-70
Parent taxon: Palaeontinoidea according to J. Szwedo 2018
See also Carpenter 1992, Hamilton 1992, Lefebvre et al. 1998, Riek 1976, Shcherbakov 1984, Tillyard 1916, Tillyard 1918, Tillyard 1922 and Tillyard 1923
Sister taxa: Mesogereonidae, Palaeontinidae, Stenoglyphis
Subtaxa: Austroprosbole Austroprosboloides Dunstania Dunstaniodes Fletcheriana Gallodunstania Kaltanocicada Paradunstania Permodunstania Prosbolomorpha Siksteliana
• Jurassic of China (1 collection)
• Triassic of Australia (4), China (1), France (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), South Africa (2)
• Permian of Australia (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (2)
Total: 14 collections including 18 occurrences