Eucaenus ovalis Scudder 1885 (winged insect)

Insecta - Protorthoptera - Eucaenidae

Synonyms: Eucaenus attenuatus Melander 1903, Eucaenus mazonus Melander 1903, Eucaenus minor Handlirsch 1911, Teneopteron mirabile Carpenter 1943

Full reference: S. H. Scudder. 1885. Palaeodictyoptera; or the affinities and classification of Paleozoic Hexapoda. Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History 3(11):319-351

Belongs to Eucaenus according to F. M. Carpenter and E. S. Richardson 1976

See also Carpenter 1943, Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1911, Handlirsch 1922, Melander 1903, Richardson 1956 and Scudder 1885

Sister taxa: none

Type specimens:

  • Eucaenus ovalis: USNM 38142, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Mazon Creek, USNM Lacoe Collection, which is in a Westphalian D interdistributary bay mudstone in the Carbondale Formation of Illinois.
  • Eucaenus attenuatus: Chicago Academy Sciences 4749, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Mazon Creek (Chicago Acad Sci Egan collection), which is in a Westphalian D deltaic mudstone in the Carbondale Formation of Illinois.
  • Eucaenus mazonus: FMNH UC 9242, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Mazon Creek (FMNH Gurley collection), which is in a Westphalian D deltaic mudstone in the Carbondale Formation of Illinois.
  • Eucaenus minor: YPM 50, an exoskeleton (Body with wings attached, apexes broken). Its type locality is Mazon Creek (YPM collection), which is in a Westphalian D deltaic mudstone in the Carbondale Formation of Illinois.
  • Teneopteron mirabile: ISM 14887, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Mazon Creek (Illinois State Museum collection), which is in a Westphalian D deltaic mudstone in the Carbondale Formation of Illinois.



• Carboniferous of United States (15: Illinois collections)

Total: 15 collections including 18 occurrences

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