†Gastornis russelli Martin 1992 (bird)
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Aves - Gastornithiformes - Gastornithidae
Full reference: L. D. Martin. 1992. The status of the Late Paleocene birds Gastornis and Remiornis. Los Angeles: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Sciences series) 36:97-108
Belongs to Gastornis according to L. D. Martin 1992
See also Mlikovsky 2002
Sister taxa: Gastornis edwardsi, Gastornis giganteus, Gastornis laurenti, Gastornis minor, Gastornis parisiensis
Type specimen: MNHN R 3560, a set of limb elements (Left tarsometatarsus). Its type locality is Mont Berru, which is in a Thanetian fluvial conglomerate in the Sables de Bracheux Formation of France.
Ecology: volant herbivore
Distribution: found only at Mont Berru
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