Alternative spellings: Platyrhini, Platyrrhina
Parent taxon: Anthropoidea according to R. F. Kay et al. 2019
See also Beard et al. 1994, Bloch et al. 2016, Carroll 1988, Cooke et al. 2011, Fleagle 2013, Gregory 1910, Hartwig and Cartelle 1996, Hershkovitz 1974, Jaekel 1911, Kay 2010, Kay et al. 2004, McKenna 1975, Poux and Douzery 2004, Rosenberger 2006, Rosenberger et al. 1991 and Setoguchi and Rosenberger 1987
Sister taxa: Afrotarsiidae, Amamria, Amphipithecidae, Arctopithecini, Aseanpithecus, Catarrhini, Eosimiidae, Neopithecini, Oligopithecidae, Paleopithecini, Parapithecoidea, Perupithecus, Proteopithecidae, Protoanthropoidea, Aotidae, Notnamaia
Subtaxa: Atelidae Ateloidea Carlocebus Cebidae Chilecebus Homunculidae Parvimico Pitheciidae Xenotrichidae