Arctitreta intercalata Waterhouse and Chen 2007 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Schuchertellidae

Full reference: B. Waterhouse and Z. Q. Chen. 2007. Brachiopoda from the Late Permian Senja Formation, Manang area, Nepal Himalaya. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 280(1-3):1-69

Belongs to Arctitreta according to B. Waterhouse and Z. Q. Chen 2007

Sister taxa: Arctitreta bapensis, Arctitreta bioni, Arctitreta costellata, Arctitreta crassimurus, Arctitreta kempei, Arctitreta macrocardinalis, Arctitreta pearyi, Arctitreta peelensis, Arctitreta pelicanensis, Arctitreta percostata, Arctitreta plicatilis, Arctitreta triangularis

Type specimen: Its type locality is PG1, Ridge A of Chulu Massif, Braga, Manang area, which is in a Changhsingian coastal sandstone in the Senja Formation of Nepal

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Nepal (5 collections)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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